7 Things You Will Never Regret Doing

How many things have you regretted doing in your life? I bet quite a few, just like everyone else. Well, below is my list of 7 things that I know I will never regret doing and this knowledge is actually empowering in so many ways. For example, it is nice to feel that you can not mess up (for a change). It’s liberating not to make a decision between “the thing you want to do” and “the thing you know you should be doing”. Not to mention, that it is awesome to be 99{0127f963e8fee419b6a90e957d08afc3e89331d409e71ad144d2333bc8cc73f9} sure that there are some experiences that are guaranteed to bring you peace of mind and satisfaction. 7 Things you’ll never regret doing: 1. Forgive a past hurt. Decades-old grudges, unresolved arguments, long-…
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