How Changing your Attitude Changes Your Reality

Let’s talk about the internal aspect of making positive changes to your current reality. I believe that the foundation of a successful life has a lot more to do with attitude than it does with aptitude, but I’m not the only one. Surveys, studies and research consistently indicate that 85{0127f963e8fee419b6a90e957d08afc3e89331d409e71ad144d2333bc8cc73f9} of success in almost any endeavor will depend on attitude and only about 15{0127f963e8fee419b6a90e957d08afc3e89331d409e71ad144d2333bc8cc73f9} on aptitude. Yet, in most educational settings the emphasis is exactly the opposite. In fact, attitude is rarely discussed. Adding attitude to your knowledge and skill Regardless of what you do for a career, technical knowledge and skills usually play an important role. But is knowledge and skill all it takes to succeed? In this highly competitive…
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