Enlightening Talks: J. Krishnamurti – The Nature Of The Mind – 1 to 4

In our culture there are conflicting points of view about the proper approach to dealing with psychological problems. What is psychological disorder and what is required for fundamental psychological change? This is a series of four discussions between J. Krishnamurti, Physicist Professor David Bohm, Psychiatrist Dr. John H. Hidley, and biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. These … Related posts: Enlightening Talks: Krishnamurti & David Bohm – The Future of Humanity Enlightening Talks: Rollo May – The Human Dilemma Wisdom Books: The Rape of the Mind by MD Joost A. M. Meerloo How to Manage your Time doing the Important Things you Love – Part 1 Thought-Provoking Documentaries: Krishnamurti – The Real Revolution
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