Narcissist Free: A Survival Guide for the No-Contact Break-Up

Narcissist Free: A Survival Guide for the No Contact Break-Up…

The No-Contact Rule is the only surefire method for ending the cycles of abuse with narcissists and other emotional manipulators. The dynamic of these relationships is so complex that it takes a very specific strategy to break the mental connection….to put distance between yourself and the person who is hurting you. Going “no contact” allows you to do this. Is it easy? No, but it’s not  impossible…and Zari Ballard’s newest book Narcissist Free, as your “go-to” survival guide, will show you exactly how to get it done.

The biggest reward of no contact is silence. Victims don’t understand this as a reward until they really buckle down and remove the narcissist’s avenues for gaining access into their lives. Once this is done, it becomes very clear why no contact works. Suddenly you’re not worrying about or waiting for a text to come in because he can’t text you. No Contact means exactly that – no contact.” Narcissist Free (Chapter VIII – The No Contact Rule)

Narcissist Free is filled with tips, tricks, stories, and motivators to guide you through each important step – before, during, and after the break-up. The no-contact strategy, when done correctly and with the right intention, instantly ends the cycles of chaos that have become the norm in your life. Even in co-parenting situations, there are certain ways to modify the rules of no contact so that you remain in control.

If you’re suffering abuse at the hands of a narcissistic partner, “no contact” is your way out. Download this book and take the first step towards becoming narcissist free today.….

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