Advertising verses Inner Beauty? How it effects our self-image.

One of the biggest struggles facing young people today, is self-image. Everywhere you look, on TV, on billboards, in magazines, videos, movies, 90{0127f963e8fee419b6a90e957d08afc3e89331d409e71ad144d2333bc8cc73f9} of the time it’s all beautiful perfect people. Advertising verses inner beauty all of the time. This suffocating display of everyone being beautiful, can be very difficult for young people. Especially during junior high and high school years for both boys and girls. Girls worry about being popular, being pretty enough, having the nice clothes, having the prettiest accessories. Whereas boys, although not shown as much, they have to be worried about being cool, hanging with the coolest guys, and when old enough having the coolest car. It just seems to be all material things and outer image. Of course in reality, …
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