
The Top 5 Regrets We May Have on Our Deathbed

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What do you think will be your biggest regret when you look back at your life? Here’s what you probably won’t catch yourself thinking on your deathbed: • I didn’t spend enough time on Facebook • Darn, I wish I took fewer risks • I’m relieved I put off travelling until my retirement • Thank God I always ignored my intuition • Wait a second, why didn’t I buy more stuff? • I’m so glad I hung on to …


7 Recently-Discovered ‘Healing’ Effects of Music

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Music is a big part of our life. It makes the gym workouts go faster. It helps to set the mood for a party. It serves as a perfect ‘excuse’ for the times when you don’t feel like chatting with passengers in your car. A beautiful melody can give us chills. It can remind us of the brightest memories of our life. It can help us relax after a…


15 Minutes of Silence: The Secret To Staying Sane in Life

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I live right by the ocean. It’s nice. A refreshing sea breeze, rustling palm trees, the soothing rhythmic sound of the waves lulling you to sleep – that’s how I imagined life by the ocean. Boy, I was wrong… the non-stop drilling coming from the parking area, traffic noise and the hum of the neighbor’s air-conditioning at night seem to go hand-in-hand with city living. Whether you have a condo in Miami, a house …


10 Things You Don’t Know About Friendship

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Friendship is among the most fundamental of human needs, and nothing is going to change this. Friends keep us sane. They make us laugh. They surprise us with their generosity. They have the courage to tell us the truth even if we might not like it and enough tact to know when to stop giving advice and just let…


Why Can Reasoning Hurt Your Decision-Making?

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Quick – what’s more important intuition or logic? You gut feeling says: intuition. But when you start thinking about it, your mind will tell you that logic is more reliable and makes more sense – because it’s logical. It’s great when your mind and your heart are aligned, but what happens when they point in the opposite directions? Can rationalizing actually hurt our intuition and push us into making wrong choices? It turns out yes! And it happens more often than you think. In one recent study a group of students was offered 5 posters to…


7 Mind-Boggling Ways to Boost your Creativity

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I saw on a funny motivational poster once that had a picture of a shiny, white robot and below the picture was a quote, “If 80{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} of your work output is not creative, soon robots will do your job”. Are you safe? Does your job help you to expand your creative capacity? Or…


5 Brilliantly-Simple Ways to Increase Your IQ

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Who wouldn’t want to be more intelligent? Make quicker decisions? Not to be the last one to laugh at the friends’ jokes? The good news is that there is more to increasing your IQ than studying and reading books. There some great tips, on how to become smarter that are based on scientific research, yet that are easy…


The ‘Cold Turkey’ Way to Boost Your Self-Confidence

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Do you consider yourself to be a confident person? I did, until I’ve read a post by Steven Aitchison on 5 Weird Confidence Building Exercises. The first exercise he suggested was called the Wrong Shop exercise. This is how it works. You walk into a store and ask for something totally weird that…


7 Ming-Boggling Ways to Boost your Creativity

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I saw on a funny motivational poster once that had a picture of a shiny, white robot and below the picture was a quote, “If 80{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} of your work output is not creative, soon robots will do your job”. Are you safe? Does your job help you to expand your creative capacity? Or is it so mundane that you secretly hope robots would take over it, so you could focus on doing something else? Even if you don’t consider yourself to be creative, creativity is still an important part of your life and here’s why… Creativity goes hand in hand with our ability to generate new ideas and create new …


Secret “2-Minute” Rule to Improve Decision Making

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Okay, I admit it! My best friend and my own husband, try to avoid doing grocery shopping with me. No, I don’t spend tons of money. I don’t randomly buy things I don’t need and I always stick with the list. So why would they roll their eyes every time I suggest doing grocery shopping together? The reason lies, mostly, in the fact that I don’t just randomly throw the first tomato sauce that happened to be placed on my eye level. And I don’t buy a suspiciously-looking jar of jam (as my husband suggests), only because it’s on sale. I read labels. I pay attention…


How to Make This The Best Summer Ever

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Have you been looking forward to long, hot, hazy summer days? My family (and probably every single sun-loving person living in Northern Europe) have dreamed about them. And after months of rain and cold weather the summer finally came! But a real question is – are we really making the maximum of our sweet summer days? Let’s take you and me, for example. Did you make time to do something cool and ‘summery’ these past weeks? Like organizing a picnic by a lake or the ocean? Going biking, golfing or fishing…


4 Steps for Finding the Path to Fulfill Your Dreams

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The author of this article is Michael S. Broder, Ph.D. He is also an author of a best-selling book Stage Climbing: The Shortest Path to Your Highest Potential How do you fulfill your dreams when you don’t know where to start and worry about the time and money that it may…


40 Short Inspirational Quotes to Power Up Your Inner Fire

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Short inspirational quotes are like little sparks. They seem small and often insignificant, but they hold the power to fire up our motivation and lighten up our days. In fact, life’s greatest wisdom is usually enclosed in short inspirational quotes, sayings and proverbs, not in books and books of knowledge. They speak the most to our heart. Like powerful success mantras they keep us going when things get tough. They remind us to zoom out and stay focused on the things that matter most. They…


Body Language of Lies: 6 Ways to Spot a Liar

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Body language is a powerful non-verbal communication tool, allowing you to decode subtle messages and even spot a liar. However, before you learn how to do this, I want you to ask yourself one question – why would you want to stop a liar? They say that with great power comes great responsibility. Mastering the art of body language is a great power and you should be ready to assume the responsibility that comes with it. For one you will start noticing that people tell more untruths than you would have ever imagined. In fact, researchers have discovered that 60{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} of people lie at least once during a 10 minute…


Stop Judging: 5 Negative Effects of Stereotyping

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“If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” ? Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist The young woman was walking on the beach, when she saw an old lady sleeping in a winter coat right on the sand. She was lying just a few feet away from the beach entrance and people were constantly walking passed her. It was …


5 Quotes by Spiritual People: All The Relationship Advice You Will Ever Need

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We often ask for relationship advice from our friends, parents, co-workers and even strangers (because sometimes it is easier to pour your heart out to a complete stranger than to a best friend). Sometimes we get good advice, sometimes we just get an understanding shoulder to cry on and sometimes we get heart-felt and sincere advice, that is. . . NOT good. Bad, actually. Terrible, to say the least. Because any advice that you receive from people that like you, is rooted deeply in their personal beliefs, past experiences and popular assumptions. And there is no guarantee that THEIR beliefs, opinions and past experiences will help you with YOUR relationships. So why look for …


7 Things You Will Never Regret Doing

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How many things have you regretted doing in your life? I bet quite a few, just like everyone else. Well, below is my list of 7 things that I know I will never regret doing and this knowledge is actually empowering in so many ways. For example, it is nice to feel that you can not mess up (for a change). It’s liberating not to make a decision between “the thing you want to do” and “the thing you know you should be doing”. Not to mention, that it is awesome to be 99{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} sure that there are some experiences that are guaranteed to bring you peace of mind and satisfaction. 7 Things you’ll never regret doing: 1. Forgive a past hurt. Decades-old grudges, unresolved arguments, long-…


5 Realistic Rules of Happiness

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Is there even such a thing as “Rules of Happiness”? I believe so. The #1 Rule in my happiness agenda is “Living my life in the happiest way I can while trying my best not to cause unhappiness to anyone else.” Because every single person on the Planet has the right to be happy, and you are not an exception. Happiness is our natural …


Goal Setting Advice I Would Give To Santa

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Many of us are looking forward to the Winter Holidays and for the possibility to slow down, relax and spend time with our family. But there is someone, who has to attempt the impossible. In just one night he will have to travel almost 25,000 miles around the world, scrambling across rooftops and scaling chimneys to ensure that every single person will have presents waiting for them in the morning. He will have to organize files and files of data, matching addresses with names and compiling “naughty and nice” lists. He will have to supervise gift production for…


7 Little-Known Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2013

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keep New Year’s resolutions Have you already set New Year’s Resolutions for 2013? If ‘yes’ this post will help you noticeably improve your chances of success, make you invincible to failure, put you in control of your goals and allow you to overcome self-doubts and past setback? If you haven’t set your New Year’s Resolutions, don’t worry! It is not too late! Just make sure that you ‘arm’ yourself with the right knowledge and tools before you leap into action. Doing…


Soichiro Honda: The Man With A Burning Desire To Succeed

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You may know Soichiro Honda as the founder of the Honda Company and a successful businessman. However, few people are aware that Soichiro Honda was the man who changed the usual view on the traditions of running a business and approaching success. His life story is not only inspiring, but legendary. Childhood and a “Creative” Solution that Would Cost Him Dearly Soichiro Honda, was born on November 17, 1906 in Japan, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka in a very traditional working class family. His mother- Mika, worked as a weaver…


6 Sizable Steps to Setting Razor-Sharp Goals

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They say that visualization is the most powerful goal setting tool that has ever been given to us. Yet we almost never use it. Before I tell you about the 6 Steps to setting razor-sharp, polished, shiny goals, let’s take a step back and do a 2-minute visualization. This simple exercise will help you understand what your goals should “feel” and “look” like. It has been proven that the crystal clear goals we can picture easily in our mind, are much more powerful and much easier to achieve. They stand a higher chance of being followed through and bring much quicker results. And the best thing about visualization is that it does not require hard work or hours of practice. It can …


The 9 Types of Intelligence: How to Become Smarter at Any Age

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Before looking for ways to become smarter, we should probably take a moment and reflect on what “being smart” actually mean to us? We frequently use phrases as “book smart”, “life smart”, and “street smart”. Then there is “social intelligence”, “emotional intelligence”, and “IQ”. These are very different types of intelligence and it is up to YOU to decide which one you would prefer to have or develop. Because, let’s face it, you can be a computer genius but have zero people skills. Or you can drop out of college in your first year and then open a successful business and make twice the money than your friends with university degrees. Or maybe you may not think of yourself as a “highly…