
Meet Me on the Playground

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There are many different phases that people go through as they embody the awakened awareness that simply is. One of which is often a total lack of interest in the world around them. I’ve written a little bit about this in the blog titled: "Feeling Awakened and Lost: Finally Seeing the World’s Many Lies." When you awaken and see that most of the rest of the world isn’t living a life of


More Spirituality Poetry: Home

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We’re treated to another beautiful poem from my student, Rach. I hope it offers you some beauty in your day and a warm welcome to the home that resides within all of you at all times. The picture is hers as well. Enjoy!Home A myriad of matterin many forms manifest…Magic.Gift to these eyesI fall fearlessheld in this wholeness.Seamless serenity swells whileSongs of safe surrender sung.Filled fully,flowing freely.Freedom’s giant …


Still Waiting for Your Awakening Merit Badge?

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One of the very common games people can play with themselves on the spiritual path is to expect that they’re going to get something or somewhere. Even after awakening, this little game can continue on. We think that we’ll arrive at some end goal and that everyone will now love us, accept us, listen to us, or whatever it is we think we want to get. Yet even after a profound awakening and gradually transitioning into a deep and powerful place within, no…


I Am: A Spirituality Poem

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Today, I’d like to share a poem from my student, Rach. She offers some wonderful insights through the truthfulness of her lines and stanzas. While I often write the same things in a different kind of prose, there are ways that poetry and other forms of writing can feel more compelling by the nature of how they are presented. Also, the lovely picture is from her as well.With that, I hope you enjoy this thoughtful sharing of Self-discovery.I AmWhat felt so…


The Relentless Embracing of the Awakened State

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Spiritual awakening is like a light bulb going on in the house. Your house floods with light, and with that light often comes the impetus to shift, heal, and open profoundly. But in this arising, we are not at the culmination of the story.We are at a new beginning.Seeing Rebirth for What It IsBecause so many people are confused about spiritual awakening/enlightenment/ascension, they think that it is a goal and an endpoint to their journey. Here at awakening many people think that they’ll be done with the troubles of the world and no difficulties will ever touch them again. But truly, awakening is barely at the…


Walking Meditation

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Meditation. We all know it’s good for clearing our minds but few are who actually practice it. The reason? We don’t have time. The solution? Walking meditation. On the way to my university, there’s a long, empty pavement along the sea. Perfect for walking. Which I do every weekday morning. For 20 minutes. What I also do is, I walk with my eyes closed. Of course I have to open them every few seconds to make sure I don’t trip. But I …


Avoiding Yourself and Lack of Self-Commitment

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One of the ways that people self-sabotage themselves on a daily basis is through self-avoidance and lack of commitment. This goes not just for the overtly spiritual path (i.e. doing things like meditating regularly, journaling, etc.), but it also goes for the rest of life and avoiding anything that may bring up unsettling emotions. These unsettling emotions include those that are painful, but it can also include those like love. Because sometimes love is…


The Spiritual Awakening Tempest and Trying to Wait Out the Storm

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Catching the SunTo the ego mind, spiritual awakening is an unending tempest that is destroying everything in sight. To the awakened self, there is change, and there is peace and love within the change. The awakened self is like the person perpetually at the center of the hurricane. Here in the eye of the storm, there is the …


Invisible Kony: A Noble Cause Or A Marketing Campaign?

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Unless you have been living in a cocoon in the past few days, or have just woke up from hibernation, you must have heard of the viral “Stop Kony” campaign, and must have watched its 30 minutes short movie on YouTube. This article’s goal is to raise awareness about the inaccurate and misleading aspects of the campaign. So if you haven’t watched the movie, you can safely stop reading now. Frankly, I didn’t watched the movie until a few days ago. I’m a bit resistant to everything viral. But when I finally watched it, I immediately felt that there was something wrong. Hence, here I am…


Resting in the Flow of Awakened Love

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As many of you know, I’ve written this spiritual awakening blog with three main sections:Cultivating a Spiritual AwakeningSurviving the AwakeningAfter the AwakeningThis post is in the last category–one that I haven’t written too much for as I’ve really moved through the second phase a lot in my own recent life. While nothing really is linear in spirituality or in life, I’ve found that these three categories sum up a lot of spiritual awakening, or at least they feel useful to me right now. So much of the awakened space is about using something as long as it is …


Question Everything

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Question Everything by dullhunk One of the key habits that you must cultivate in order to live consciously is to question everything and not to accept anything that comes your way. I’ve always been the kind of person who questions the status quo and wonders why things are done the way they’re done. I always used to wonder: “why do we have to sleep all that time?”, “why should we learn everything in school?” …


Spirituality Blogs About Healing

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Pain Dissolves to Rejoin the Flow of LoveI can never understate the importance of healing on the spiritual path. For just about everyone, there will be some level of healing that will happen for you. Healing isn’t a matter of solving problems or fixing that which is broken. It’s a matter of dissolving separation and coming into internal union and harmony. Sometimes that means you will…


Daily Addictions: How to Identify And Break Them

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Addicted to Self-Help by Luis Vasquez/Gulf News We all have addictions; Our own small guilty pleasures. Whether big or small, public or private, and whether we’re aware of them or not, they exist. Addictions and Conscious Living can’t coexist; we can’t live consciously if our happiness is attached to daily addictions. It’s essential then to identify our addictions and start working on eliminating them. How to identify addictions Some addictions are clear and easy to …


The Delightful Experience of Having No Worries

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For most people, having no worries is an experience that is only glimpsed briefly, is surrounded by some kind of euphoric haze brought on by a temporary experience, or simply a illusory idea being sold by some jerk-off spiritual teacher. But the truth of the matter is that we are all …


Reincarnation and Soul Mates

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Photo credit: syncretia.en.spirit Today I was thinking about reincarnation (Soul transcendence from a physical body to another after the first one dies), and I thought: If reincarnation is real and souls really can transcend from one body to another, that would mean that the number of souls is constant. But in reality, the world population is increasing in an accelerating speed. And we know that the world only started with Adam and Eve. But then I had an idea: What if souls don’t transcend, but rather split? I don’t mean that the soul split in two complementary halves, but rather “doubles” …


Seeking Clear Reflections and Finding Shadows

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In the post awakening phase that I had, I went through a time of seeking clear reflections in others and often finding different shadow aspects of myself. This is actually a profound gift. It’s not that this wasn’t happening to us before, but with the light of awakening in our hands, we…


Why You Don’t Want To Be Happy

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Why am I here? A question that have kept people awake at night since the beginning of human life (or at least since humans started to think). Some people compromise their life purpose to: losing weight, making lots of money, having a successful career or finding their soul mate. Or more simply: “being happy”. But in reality, happiness is in fact a negative form of energy. WHY??! Let me ‘splain… No, there is too …


Dietary Shifts and Food Needs in the Spiritual Awakening Process

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The Maize of Dietary NeedsAs with everything else on the spiritual path, the body is also changed and metamorphosized. In spiritual awakening, we are realigning to what is true for ourselves: heart, mind, and body. Consequently, some of you have bigger or lesser shifts in your diet, depending on your relationship to food. For me, I have had quite a few shifts in my dietary needs, although it is probably more accurate to say that I had a lot of new insights into what my dietary needs actually are.So with that and with humility, let us start to delve into the topic of shifting into awareness of our body’s true dietary needs.The Food You Eat and…


Why Animals Are Afraid From You

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Note: The following article is NOT based on any scientific experiment but rather on my own subjective experiences. Ever wondered why some animals get scared and run away whenever you try to approach them? You might be thinking that maybe it’s part of their instinct. Since they consider us to be possible predators (and sometimes we really are). Yet still… There seems to be a sort of “no-harm” bond …


Freedom from Desire

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A long time ago, I wrote a blog called, “Healing Desires: The Differences Between Desires and Urges.” It got pretty popular. So I suppose it was a breath of fresh air for many people to suddenly see that their urge to eat was different than the desire for a specific type of food and that you could have one without the other. Probably somewhere in the thinking is that without desire, we’d stop eating and breathing or something. Such is the hyperbole of the ego mind.But desire is not a permanent state. It is a learned practice. It is the practice of placing our fulfillment somewhere else. It is the practice of saying, “When I have this thing, experience, or…


How To Find Inner Peace In 12 Simple Steps

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Extracted and modified from the uncopyrighted book “Steps Toward Peace” by Peace Pilgrim: When I talk about the steps toward inner peace, I talk about them in a framework, but there’s nothing arbitrary about the number of steps. They can be expanded; they can be contracted. This is just a way of talking about the subject, but this is important: the steps toward inner peace are not taken in any certain order. The first step for one may be the last step for another. So just take whatever steps seem easiest for you, and as you take a few steps, it will become easier for you to…


Psychic Emergence and Spiritual Awakening

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One of the amazing aspects of spiritual awakening is how it can open us to all of our spiritual gifts. They’re all kind of hidden in plain sight. So often as we rest in our awakened awareness, we see how many of the things we have done or said were the very gifts that many of us tried so hard to avoid or ignore on the one hand or unearth or achieve on the other hand. One of those sets of spiritual gifts …


The Cure For Insomnia

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Photo by Da2Go Most adults have experienced insomnia or sleeplessness at one time or another in their lives. An estimated 30-50{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} of the general population are affected by insomnia, and 10{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} have chronic insomnia. I don’t usually have trouble sleeping. But yesterday, when I went to bed and I couldn’t get any sleep, I noticed …


Discovering the Unconscious Stories of Your Body

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The Waters of Awakening Rush ForthA lot of people go through physical discomfort on the spiritual path. In awakening, this can become very intense. The ego’s common action to blame everything on an outside source, and ironically it often blames the awakening. Many people think that somehow God is punishing them or that the awakening has brought in all this pain. But it has not. What it has primarily brought is awareness.Consider that your whole life you’ve been…