
The Latest and Greatest Spiritual Flavor of the Month

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I often talk about the need to move on and let go of things in life. It is a necessary part of living. Moments and people come into our lives, and then they pass. In trying to hold on to something that is gone or no longer serves us, we perpetuate pain and suffering. If a relationship has run its course, then it is time to let go so that a new relationship or relationships can grow in its place. I've rarely found that the universe leaves us with empty holes in our life, although at times we are encouraged …


A Second Chance At Life

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Photo Credit: Time Travel “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”-Mae West “What if, some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there …


Attachment Versus Engagement: How We Learn to Be in the World and Not Lost in it

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One of the most commonly confused spiritual terms is that of attachment. Because society has confused attachment as a kind of commitment and not being attached as a kind of passive, laissez-faire attitude, the idea of letting go of attachment sounds like lunacy. It sounds like you'd stop caring for your kids and go run out and join a traveling circus.Once again, we need to pause and look at our definitions. On the spiritual path, we look to see what definitions and strictures we've constructed around us. We always have to ask ourselves if this definition is helping me to better engage and know my inner and outer worlds. Or is this definition limiting my perspective and my view of myself and …


Spirituality and Money Webinar: The Path of Reciprocity

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Money is a common concern and issue for many people. Many people consider money to be evil or somehow bad and idolize an impoverished spiritual path. But this is not a path of a balance, and it includes some ideas and misconceptions that cut people off to the flow of life. In this webinar, I’ll offer some–hopefully–refreshing perspectives on money as part of …


Awakened and Untethered from Spiritual Doctrine

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A funny thing happens when people wake up spiritually; they suddenly see the truth. They can see the truth about the relationships around them. They can see the truth about love. They can see the truth of the world around them. They see the many things are made-up because they can see what is real.When an awakened soul looks at any spiritual tradition, religion, or other structured path, they can see the truth here as well, and this is a powerful thing. Because now, the individual can find the truth and tools they really need and leave the useless doctrine that only serves egos


The Dark Night of the Soul

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Not too long ago, I had a request to write about the dark night of the soul. It’s not a topic I would generally write about, or rather this is not the way I generally refer to such things. The reason being is that this type of dramatic terminology, “Dark Night of the Soul,” is very much ego-based. All the connotations are of death, destruction, lost-faith, and misery. That’s why I wrote a blog post some time ago called, “Sacred Destruction: The Removal of Obstacles in Spiritual Rebirth.” In this post, I really focus on why this type of destruction…


It’s All About Energy Webinar

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Many of you are extremely sensitive to energy, and others of you are just curious about what all this energy-talk is. I've created this next webinar to help you get a better understanding of what this means in a spiritual sense and offer some pointers about getting comfortable with your own energy.The details are as


Growing Into Your Greatness

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There are so many beautiful things growing up out of the ashes of the unconscious ego self that it is hard to point to just one. Is it the deep compassion you can now have for everyone? Is it the amazing love you can share with one or many? Is it the ease of following your own path without fear of failure? Oh, it's these and so many more. How wondrous. How beautiful it all is. How beautiful it is to be growing into your greatness.


San Francisco Bay Area Hike and Talk

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This May I'm setting up a hike and spirituality talk for those in the San Francisco Bay Area. It can be a nice way to get out of our busy lives and back into nature, and it helps to get people out of their minds and back into their bodies. This often adds to people's receptivity to spiritual talks.Spirituality Hike and Talk General DetailsHere is more information on the hike that I have planned.Participants: 4 to 5Date: Sunday, May 19thStart Time: 9:30am PSTApproximate End Time: 1:30pm


After the Awakening

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This compilation of blogs is meant for the person who has come through the initial transitions of spiritual awakening. It's after the great fears have been dropped and inner peace and tranquility have become an abiding state that these posts pick up the next threads of the story. Because if you have come to this space, you will see that you are still shifting. You…


Uncovering and Debunking Cultural Gender Stereotypes

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One of the truths of the spiritual path is that we are all One. We are that which simply IS. From that space, the whole gender identity thing doesn't make much sense. Traits that are associated with men or women are completely made up, and yet people cling to them rather ferociously. It's not that we go into a denial of the sex we are. I am male; I'm very clear about that. But much of the rest is completely up to us, and so for many people as they delve deeply into themselves, at some point or another, you will become confronted with the social and cultural lies of how you …


Bringing Spirituality Into Everyday Life Webinar

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I'm working on getting into the swing of doing webinars again (and if anyone has a recommended service, feel free to message me).For the next webinar that I'm doing, the details are as follows:Title: Bringing Spirituality Into Everyday LifeDescription: Read more »


Dissolving the Veils of Illusion

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I'm taking up this topic more specifically for the "After the Awakening" section of this blog. While nothing is mutually exclusive in my writing as far as the different parts of your spiritual path, some things are a little more specific to a given rhythm than others. So while many of you are still only


Discovering Your Commitment to Pain

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We have to be brutally honest with ourselves on the spiritual path. More often than naught, we are completely committed to being in pain.This tends to be really shocking, and most of you may not believe me. Those of you who have discovered this truth already understand the feelings of self-betrayal and anger that may arise as you gain awareness to how much you've sold yourself out. But in this realization is the light of awareness. In seeing all the ways that you repeat painful cycles and get lost in illusions, you now can break free.Outlining All Your LiesRead more »


Spiritual Sexuality 101

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When I talk about spiritual sexuality, I often feel like I'm speaking a whole other language to people. Most of the way people discuss sexuality tends to be very crude and lost in desire and attachment. For others, it's just a form of pleasure-seeking that has gotten out of hand, and yet still others are so shut down that they can't even hear words like "penis" or "vagina." It's insane. Sexuality is one of the most fundamental aspects of being a human being, yet it's been degraded, ignored, and turned into a second-class citizen.Some time ago, I wrote a post to compile my thoughts on spiritual sexuality, but I've realized…


Naked NSFW

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Do you know how hard it is to see all the other people just being themselves while I’m feeling like I’m trapped inside my own body? It’s like I’m telling my body: hey say this, or do that. And he’s like: “…” And I’m like: “GET ME OUT OF HERE! CAN SOMEBODY HEAR ME? HELLO?” I just want to be able to express myself naturally is that too much to ask? I don’t like interrupting people. No no, I CAN’T interrupt people, it’s not physically possible for me. Like if someone is talking and I want to say something and I …


Frequently Asked Questions About Regular Email Exchanges

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I offer email exchanges as a service, and the basics are straightforward. For those who prefer to write and be responded to, I offer an exchange of reading 4 emails from you and sending 4 email replies.This can be a way of having a spiritual teacher as a kind of pen pal. Some people get a lot of it, and in a way, it can be like journaling only you can get feedback for it. Many people may want to do this first to get more comfortable working with me before stepping into a one-on-one session (which is my preferred avenue of teaching with students).For those where English is …


Evolving Your Spiritual Community

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I'm continuing the topic of spiritual community, which you can always read about under the tab on this Web site with the same name. Assuming you've found one or three communities and you've got a little bit of a spiritual network of friends going, at some point …


Blogging Vs Tweeting

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I used to blog more often. When I used to get an idea, the first thing that comes to my mind was: how can I turn this idea into a blog post? How can I stretch it and make an article out of it? But now it’s: how can I condense this idea into a 140 characters tweet? Is twitter taking over …


Spammers and Shortened Blog Feeds

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Hi everyone. Some of you have probably noticed the shortened view of my blog posts. I've added in a "Read More" link, which I'm also working on making bigger so that it is easier to see where to click. You can always click the title of the blog to go to the full post.I have had to do this because spammers have taken advantage of the full post feed option for to directly copy and post whole spiritual blog posts to their sites. So those of you who signed up to receive my blogs to your inbox now have to click on the …


The Poetry of Trust

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Here is another lovely poem from my student, Rach. Today, she shares a little bit more about her path and encourages us to remember to trust the path before us no matter how murky and dark it sometimes seems. My journey back to Spirit has led me down many paths–some quite dark–where I felt very alone and lost.  This poem attempts to express some of this part of my journey and being helped out of the darkness by trusting in the inner knowing part of me, my Universal self which I had cut myself off from.Through my past noise and my tortureI heard the call of my true nature It lit a spark and became a fireThat burned (and continues to burn) all the…


Where It All Went Wrong

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Going Off TrackAs many people follow their spiritual paths, they often find a moment or several moments in their past where things went wrong. There was a traumatic event. There was a fork in the road. And you took the path that led you away from yourself. It happens. There is no blame or shame in this, but in returning to yourself and to your power, the path of healing will take you back to those moments with all the sensations, emotions, and memories that are stored in…