
The Number One Ego Issue

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Our unconscious egos can seem to offer us an endless array of issues to sort through. It can seem like you've no sooner tackled one than another issue pops up, leaving you in an endless game of ego whack-a-mole. But the deeper you go, the simpler things become. And the further you journey inwards, the more you find that it really is the same main issue that is being dealt with again and again in a hundred masks.Nonetheless, I encourage you to respect your process. If you need to understand why you are choosing certain toxic relationships or bad job …


Webinar: Embracing All of Your Emotions

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Many people think that spirituality is a path that allows us to feel good all the time. This is not the human experience. It has never been the human experience, and I find it very difficult to foresee that it'll ever be that way.Yet, many people are constantly trying to have only…


The Unwanted Awakening: Denying Your Self and Your Love

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Spiritual awakening is always a surprise. As many of you already know, I speak of awakening as the spontaneous shift from unconsciousness to consciousness. But the light of awareness doesn't mean that we are free from all unconsciousness. Instead, that light allows us to see unconsciousness. It allows us to have a perspective and discern the difference between unconsciousness and consciousness that may have been totally invisible before.What Is …


Finding Alignment With Life

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One of our newest and most popular spiritual terms is "alignment." People are trying to find alignment with life, with relationships, with jobs, and other things. It sounds like a pretty difficult thing to do if you listen to some of the ways people are talking about it. But alignment isn't a difficult thing. Finding alignment with any moment is a process that isn't a process. It's a letting go of ideas and beliefs about how some thing should be …


Lost in Spiritual Bliss: Reclaiming Your Self From the Trap of Good Feelings

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The big bang hits–or perhaps an understated shift that ripples profoundly, and you wake up. Life is no longer the same. One moment it was this way. The next moment everything was different, and for some of you, that opening of realization and clarity brings enormous spiritual bliss.Now, I'm not talking about a good-feeling, spiritual high that lasts a few  hours or maybe days if that. I'm talking about the bliss state that can last weeks or months or even years. Yes, it can feel so good that you never want to come back…


Webinar Recording: The 3rd Annual All About Energy Talk

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Every year, I like to hold a webinar to talk about the wide-ranging experiences people have with energy and the different sensations people often feel. This year marked the third time I’ve done so, if you can believe.To be sure, the number of ways we can experience energy is infinite. But for many who awaken, they often have no idea why they are sensing what they are sensing nor how to interpret it. For many people who have always been sensitive, they haven’t gotten…


Vanity of Life

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Life has no meaning, no purpose. That’s why we tend to create meaningless goals to achieve. Like a body weight, a new level in a game, a degree in university, a successful relationship… They’re all fake goals we assign to live, to make it more meaningful. Unfortunately, a person with an above average level of consciousness acknowledges the vanity of all goals and all purposes, giving life a totally different meaning.Vanity.Free eBook


The Spiritual Bypass: The Illusion of Avoiding Your Difficulties

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Here's a fun phrase: spiritual bypass. It's gotten popular as some people have realized that's what other people are doing on the spiritual path. As always, it's easier to point out what others are doing wrong rather than to look at oneself, but there is a lot of truth about this.Oh right. What's a spiritual bypass?A spiritual…


How to Become a Better Spiritual Parent

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These two cuties are my long-time student, Brandy's sons.The spiritual path is often misunderstood in many ways, and one of the misunderstandings that I commonly hear is a confusion that somehow parenting and the spiritual path are in conflict with each other. Many people believe that living a domestic lifestyle full of diapers, paying for college, and helping on homework assignments can't coincide with walking a spiritual path. This immediately shows some important misconceptions.The spiritual path is always here and now. It is about engaging with whatever is going on in the moment with all of your attention and doing…


Webinar: Achieving Your Highest Spiritual Potential

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The topic for this spirituality webinar was a request from one of my students, and I think it's a topic that definitely needs our attention. It needs our attention not for actually explaining how to achieve your highest spiritual potential but to help you understand the ego self that is seeking this end goal.Now, let me be clear; at the outset of a lot of spiritual journeys, many people need this kind of self-improvement mentality…


Giving Up Something You Don’t Want to Give Up

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One of the watershed moments of the spiritual path–a moment when somebody starts to understand what this path and this life are all about–is when they have to give up something they don't want to give up.I can't tell you when it'll come. It can come early on your spiritual journey or late. It depends on you and your particular ego-self. Some of us with particularly sneaky egos actually want the spiritual path…


9 Spiritual Truths to Live By

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I know a lot of spiritual truths can sound esoteric and unrealistic. When someone says that we're all one, what does that mean really? And how do you live that truth in your daily life?In this spirituality blog post, I offer a number of spiritual truths that you may have heard. I offer my brief explanation


The Uncomfortable Truth About Being Open-Hearted

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The uncomfortable truth about being open-hearted means that you accept all of your emotions.When you read that on this spiritual awakening website, you're probably not that impressed. You may think, "Well, yeah. The heart is open. It lets everything come and go. Sure. What's the big deal?"Let me say this again.The uncomfortable truth about being open-hearted means that you accept ALL of your emotions.All of them. No emotion is left out. Cranky, crabby, scared, tired, bored, …


Webinar: The 3rd Annual All About Energy Talk

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Every year, I like to hold a webinar to talk about the wide-ranging experiences people have with energy and the different sensations people often feel. This year will mark the third time I've done so, if you can believe.To be sure, the number of ways we can experience energy is infinite. But for many who awaken, they often have no idea why they are sensing what they are sensing nor how to interpret…


12 Great Spiritual Awakening Posts You Probably Missed

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As I sit here writing this post in April 2015, I've now been writing this blog for five years (although I say that I really started it in earnest in August 2010). That's a long time, and I've written a lot of stuff. Many of you had no idea that I or this blog even existed, and that means there's probably a whole bunch of great spiritual awakening posts you've missed.Plus, some of my creatively titled posts don't catch peoples' eyes because you may not immediately know what they're about. Additionally, search engines tend to be even more literal-minded. So a blog post titled …


Signs of a Maturing Soul

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The signs of someone maturing on the spiritual path aren't that hard to spot. Especially for those of you who have awakened, embracing your spiritual awakening lends itself to often dramatic inner shifts. However, that still doesn't mean that other people will notice. In a world where people are caught looking at the surfaces, many people won't be able to see past the packaging to notice all the inner crap that has been removed from inside.Which as always is why we don't…


After Healing Abuse: The Collapse of the Victim Mentality

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Healing abuse is powerful medicine. It's necessary medicine for a world with so much pain and suffering. Consider the below statistic:"On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States—more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year."– The National Domestic Violence Hotline, we know …


Webinar Recording: Highly Sensitive People and Living a Spiritual Life

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Once a year, I like to turn my attention to the topic of highly sensitive people. As a highly sensitive person, I understand a lot of the unsettling emotions and energies that are going on around me pretty much all the time, but because of the spiritual path, I’ve learned how to be at peace with a lot of it. I’ve also learned how to use those different energetic feelings to help me go…


Webinar: Tips for Creating Conscious Relationships

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Next week's webinar tackles the task of how we can all learn to create conscious relationships. This is a topic I've covered before in numerous other spiritual blog posts, and as always, I emphasize that it all starts with your relationship with yourself. Dealing with your own baggage is the first step to developing conscious relationships with your romantic partner, children, friends, family, business associates, colleagues, and more. Until you cross that bridge, you are very likely trying to control others in your relationships in futile attempts to make yourself feel a certain way. This is the nature of unconscious relationships.In this webinar, I'll offer tips about what …