
Spirituality Webinar: Practicing With Your Intuition

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I am constantly talking about using your intuition on this spirituality blog, but many of you may not feel very confident in what that is or how to use it. In this next webinar, I'll talk more about what intuition is and offer some simple, everyday ways that you can practice using it.As you get more comfortable with your intuition, your awareness expands, and you may see and notice things that you


Grieving a Lost Loved One

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Death is one of the most challenging and potentially most liberating parts of human existance. In our own death, we may finally let go of all the attachments we've had and move into our liberated energy state–the state of our soul. But in the death of those dear to us, we can also find liberation from attachments and ideas about how life should flow because clearly life does not flow by any man or woman's design. Deeper patterns and intelligence are at work, and even though we often do not see these patterns clearly, if ever, there


Spiritual Webinar: Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

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For some many of you, walking your spiritual journey starts to open up amazing new abilities–skills and awareness that you never knew you had. For others just starting, you may be wondering what your spiritual gifts are and how to access them. I'll talk about those aspects of the spiritual path and more in my next webinar.The path to embracing your spiritual gifts is a path of letting go, as is most of the spiritual journey. The more you let go of your limitations, the more you open …


The Return Home

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The return home amidst spiritual awakening or generally for anyone on the spiritual path can be metaphorical as well as quite literal. I've seen it cut both ways depending on the help, support, and inner healing someone requires. In essence, the idea is that you are returning to the beginning. You are going down to the root causes of your social programming and finding the things that do not align with love and truth and beauty. You are going here because there's no way to build any kind of a new home for yourself if the foundation is still full of…


Sharing Your Joy Properly

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The title of this spiritual post may seem a little odd to you. I mean, "How does one not share joy properly?" Well, for most people, it has to do with trying to force their way of enjoying life on others. It's like the overly aggressive people who think that if everyone isn't drinking alcohol, then they're not having as …


Berkeley Rose Garden Spirituality Talk

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This August I'll be offering a free spirituality talk about "Finding Your Soul's Purpose" at the Berkeley Rose Garden. It's part of my next steps in doing more work locally. If you are interested in having me do a talk for your group or are willing to hosting a talk, feel free to message me through my contact page.Spirituality Talk and Meditation DetailsRead more »


Spiritual Webinar: Distinguishing Self-Love from Selfish Love

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My next webinar will be about understanding what is self-love versus selfish love. Because true self-love is often unacknowledged in society, many people have no real idea what it is. There are plenty of juvenile ideas about what self-love is, but this is way more than occasionally giving yourself a vacation to a tropical island or taking a bubble bath.True self-love becomes the unshakable foundation from which we lead lives of loving service. It cannot be taken away from us; we can only ignore that space within us.If you'


Spiritual Poetry: That Which Lurks Below

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I'm very excited to be able to share another poem by my student, Rach. In this poem, I've encouraged her as I encourage you to look into the dark and lonely places hidden within. If we are ever to fully stand in our light, we have to embrace every last inch of ourselves, including all those things that we've left in the dark.I hope this poem offers you a broader perspective on spirituality beyond any limiting ideas that spirituality is just what feels good or only that which is pure and starched white, cleanliness. While this poem isn't meant to help you linger longer than necessary in such places, it…


Teacher & Healer Mentorship Program

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Part of my role as a spiritual teacher is also to teach the teachers and healers of this world. That's why I'm announcing this program for those of you who are ready to become spiritual teachers, healers, or who want to deepen your awareness and practice if you …


6 Barriers That Undermine Personal Growth

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Lots of people are frustrated with themselves and their lives and feel like they can’t make any headway at fulfilling their dreams or experiencing everything that they say they want to because they allow themselves to be blocked by self-imposed barriers. Recognizing some of the barriers that can impede on personal growth can help individuals go a long way toward a more satisfying life. The below is an outline of the 6 most common personal barriers that undermine and impose on growth, development and the fulfilling personal goals. Fear: People often give into fear when setting out on new adventures or trying something new. It appears that fear takes over completely, stopping individuals before they fully experience anything different. It’s important to remember that FEAR is …


Spiritual Self-Care and Working a Regular Job

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In the hearts and minds of many on the spiritual path, are the concerns about how to make the entirety of your life spiritual. You may feel like you're doing all the right spiritual things, but what about work? How can you find a job that supports you on your spiritual path? How can you find others of like mind doing similar work?However, this focus is a little backwards. Rather, the question is how do you stay centered in your inner wisdom and love in any job…


Spiritual Awakening and Forgetfulness

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Spiritual awakening brings about many shifts for most people. There is no one way to describe since all of you are so individual and unique. Through that uniqueness, your shifts express themselves differently. As I often like to point out, there are many types of spiritual shifts beyond the spiritual awakening shift that gets talked about most. They are all equally beautiful, and there is certainly a lot of similarities and overlap in experience. The spiritual space doesn't really have hard dividing lines. In general, it is a space that is erasing those divisions as we all come back to union.But along the way, we often find ourselves in seemingly unfamiliar territory, and as our minds seem to go through a …


To love

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To love isn’t to want to be with someone. It’s not wanting to hold them, kiss them, be with them.. To love someone is to want them to be happy. No matter what. If kissing makes them happy then you’ll kiss them day and night. If they’re happy kissing someone else then you’ll do everything …


Spirituality Webinar: Awakening and Relationships

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Spiritual awakening tends to bring quite a shift in relationships as the relationship we have with ourselves is irrevocably shifted (in many ways, the relationship is gone because we melt into oneness). However, as many of you move through spaces of deep learning through relationships, that intensity can be very challenging as soulful lovers, deep soul connections with business partners, spiritual teachers, and other amazing new connections arise. Very quickly, there are also endings to old relationships and even the new relationships.So how do you make sense of it all?Webinar Title: Awakening and


Spiritual Tests from a Spiritual Teacher

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This spirituality blog post will be a little different than most of my others, as it is aimed to help you in engaging with a spiritual teacher. Many of you are interested in this kind of teaching and help, and that's a wonderful thing. But working with a spiritual teacher such as myself isn't what most people think …


The Timeless Witness

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The timeless witness or watcher is that space of clarity and oneness that reside in all of us. I often describe it like falling backwards out of myself and into everything so that even the original ego, "I," is not excluded, although initially there is this quality of separation that I feel. Through that initial separation, you may feel the claws of fear trying to hold you into your ego identity, and they may come at…


The Story of the Insane Man

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There once was a man who had plenty. He lived in a village that prided itself on balance. For many hundreds of years, this great village had had enough. They managed their resources in good times to be prepared for bad times. And though there was sickness and hurts that arose from time to time, there was no suffering for the …


The Profundity of Presence

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We are that which is.That is the truth.What more is there to say?The many words and tools and thoughts smeared across this spiritual awakening blog are all leading you to this truth. That's it. It's so delightfully and maddeningly simple. It is why the ego has to be one of the first things to be let go–…



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If you look at the human body very closely, reaching the molecular/atomic level, you can study its chemistry and the way its atoms and molecules interact with each other. If you take a step back into the cellular level, you’d be studying its biology and the way it works as a connected organism.Take another …


Involuntary Resistance Coming to Light

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Much of the spiritual path, especially in awakening, is about bringing awareness–bringing your own inner light–to shine fully on yourself. The darkness exists and persists where we refuse to look and refuse to go. It is by its nature a creature that lives in the negative spaces–the spaces where other things aren't. That's why it is so important to have courage to look deeply within yourself again and again. It is so important to…


Awakening Challenges Webinar

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Awakening to your true self can be a jarring experience for many, and a time period of transition almost inevitably follows as the individual is asked again and again to let go of old pain–both known pains and hidden pains. With this comes a time of challenges as you have to keep allowing and to keep noticing where you are still committed to the old ways and old pains.Evening if you aren't in the space of shifting into the awakened state, this can be helpful to you as there are many types of spiritual shifts, openings, and maturations that we…



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(a friend of mine whom I met online around two years ago sent me this article to post it on my blog. She disappeared the next day without completing the article and I never heard of her after that. Jemma, I hope you still read my blog) Innocence-the thought of it just makes me think at how much better the world would be right now had humanity not profited in the…


Breaking Apart Mental, Emotional, and Physical Triggers

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One way the shift into the awakened space can feel is like having your engine be taken apart and spread across the garage floor. You are suddenly very aware that this buggy ain't going no where, and you are exceptionally clear about what has actually been in your engine. In the past years, I felt like I re-did the engine multiple times too. It felt like I'd just get it all put back together, drive half a mile, and then stop for another upgrade. Good gravy.With all that said, having in-depth clarity about your inner workings is incredibly illuminating, but like most things, if you don't…


Online Spirituality Workshop: Letting Go of Pain and Resistance

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People often wonder what it means to let go of pain and resistance. While the simplest way is always to just let go, it can often be helpful to be given pointers and tools to assist us as we come back to our natural state of letting life flow through us. To help people deal with this, I'm offering a 3 hour workshop. There will be three main elements of letting go which I’ll discuss. They are:AcknowledgeEmbraceReleaseBy moving