
Spiritual Awakening Crash and Burn

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Everybody loves the bliss state. It's the state of awareness and feeling that is constantly confused as being the spiritual state that you're supposed to get. But the awakened awareness embraces all states of awareness. Now, life certainly feels a lot better when we aren't at war with ourselves, but as many of us stabilize and relax into awakened awareness, it feels more like a deep and abiding sense of peace and love that simply is. It's no big deal.When the bliss state first comes, it feels like a…


Connecting to People You Don’t Like

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In a blog post I wrote a long time ago (in 2010 actually–can you believe how long I've been writing this blog now?), I talked about "Falling in Love With the World." I also had a header that said you don't have to fall in love with your enemies…yet. Well, now you do, but…


Webinar: Spiritual Healing and Self Transformation

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Too often people think of healing as something that arises when something is broken. Rather as we continue on our spiritual paths, we simply accept that some things need mending and even breaking open as part of our natural spiritual growth. With that said, there are more than a few things that are seriously out-of-whack and unhealthy in many people, which is why just about anyone on the spiritual path will do …


Oakland Spirituality Talk: Creating Spiritual Relationships

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My next free, local talk is coming up this May, and it will be about "Creating and Deepening Spiritual Relationships" on May 18th.So many people are starved for real connection. The depth of genuine connection in my sessions is one of the reasons that many people enjoy having me as a spiritual teacher, but I am not an army of one. Thus, the inspiration for this talk is to help you develop and spread these abilities so you can create and enhance genuine spiritual relationships. Whether it's …


How to Find Answers on this Spirituality Blog

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It's amazing to say that there are over 500 blog posts on this spirituality blog (at least as of today). But with all of that wonderful spirituality writing, so much of it can be easily missed or overlooked. In this spirituality blog post, I'm offering some tips on how to find stuff on…


Kundalini Awakening and Kundalini Experiences

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One of the terms I don’t use too much is “Kundalini awakening.” It tends to be too specific for me, and there’s a strong attachment to it from different spiritual communities. As such, I choose not to refer to it much. To me, awakening is awakening. The way the energy moves up or down the spine or all around is kind of immaterial to how we all have to choose to embrace the shift. So, I don’t find a need to make as granular a …


Awakening and the Return of Normality

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This is probably one of the spiritual blog posts many of you have been waiting for me to write. You've been wondering, "When do things go back to normal after awakening?" Well, they don't. Not really. But there can be a leveling off of the intensities. The flow becomes more regular, and it feels more stable. Some of you may almost feel like nothing has changed, but this is not the truth. All of life is change, and depending on how you've embraced or not this profound


Spiritual Awakening Poem: Being Alive

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I don't know that I've ever read a poem that so amazingly explains what it is like to go from unconscious to conscious. I don't know that ever read a poem that so deeply and beautifully encapsulates the arc of the spiritual awakening process until I read this one. Thanks Jackie!For more of her poetry and poems from another student, you can click on this link:Spiritual PoetryBeing AliveRead more »


Spiritual Poem: The Gift of Love

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Time for some more love on this spiritual blog. Is there ever really enough? Yes, this is a rhetorical question, and no, there is never really enough. But then again, love is everywhere, so how can there be a place where love is not? How can we ever have not enough?I hope you enjoy this latest gift of love from my student, Jackie. As always, this and many other lovely poems can be found on this link under the Community


Spiritual Healing

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I hear the term "spiritual healing" from time to time, but it's not a term I usually use. I usually just say, "healing." That, to me, is enough, especially in a world where everything is spiritual–everything is interconnected. I also see healing as an essential part of everyone's…


Spiritual Writing: Who Is Guru?

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Here are some more spiritual musings from my student, Jackie. I know many of you have been searching for a spiritual teacher, master, or guru to help point the way. In this lovely piece of writing, she helps point your search in the right direction.For more of her writing and poetry, you can click on this link:Thoughts from a StudentEnjoy!Who Is Guru?Read more »


Free Spirituality Webinar: Improving Your Journaling

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I talk a lot about using your journal (a private notebook or document on your computer) to aid in self-inquiry and self-discovery. I thought it would make sense for me to offer a free spiritual webinar with additional tips for improving your journal. In journaling, the intention is that it becomes more than a place you simply complain, wallow in old issues, or daydream. The journal is a powerful tool if we allow it to be that, and to do that, it means we have to be completely honest with ourselves. I often say that …


Lost on the Spiritual Path

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It's a sad truth that so many people who go looking for themselves on the spiritual path can become quite lost. There are some ways that the overt spiritual path as seen in different spiritual traditions, religions, philosophies, and so forth can become some of the most entrapping. People can get themselves so caught up in ideas, tenets, commandments, astrological sign charts, robes, and more that they cannot see the truth. They are simply mired in another elaborate ego game.I wrote some time ago a post called "Beware the Spiritual Ego." This is precisely what this spirituality blog post is going to address for those of you who have been ensnared. One way or another…


Spiritual Writing: Just Me Inside of Our We

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The latest in spiritual musings from my student, Jackie, is more spiritual prose than spiritual poetry. But it is lovely all the same. You can read more from her and some of my other current and past students on this link:Thoughts from a Student  Just Me Inside of Our WeRead more »


Dissolving Issues With Awareness

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This will probably sound so fantastical that you won't want to believe it. But it is the truth. We can dissolve fear, pain, anger, sadness, or anything else simply with awareness of it. We look at it, and it evaporates.It sounds too good to be true. I could tell most of you that you need to do 30 years of penance, 4,000 hail Mary's, and meditate for…


Free Webinar: Phases of Awakening

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One of my students requested this topic about the phases of spiritual awakening, and I'd like to add that I am always open to webinar topic requests. I may not always feel guided to use one, but they are always appreciated.Off the bat, I want to be sure you understand that awakening isn't a …


Confusing Healing Work With Life Work

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One of the interesting things about awakening or having a profound spiritual opening is that we are often moved to make more than a few changes in our lives to facilitate inner healing. It's very rare that a shift so radical arises that all is dropped at once and no external world changes are required. Oftentimes, we make changes in the external world because we have so out of alignment with what is true for us, and with that, there come many changes in work, social circles, and more as…


Spiritual Poem: Your Melody

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Today's spirituality poem from my student, Jackie, continues to take us back to the amazing song and musician that Love is. I hope you enjoy these words and are inspired to let Love turn you into her latest beautiful melody.For more spirituality poems, you can check out this


Glimpses of Awakening

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Many, many people have glimpses of awakening. More than a few of you probably can instantly recall these moments where suddenly you felt filled with love, peace, or silence. It's like a window opened up inside you, and you were bathed in light. Then, for whatever reason, that window …


2014 Spiritual Awakening Process Blog Survey

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Thanks to everyone who has filled out my blog survey thus far. For those of you who receive my newsletter, you’ll recognize this as the same survey. If you haven’t filled out this survey already, I’d love to get your feedback. I created this survey to see how I’m doing in offering you relevant topics, and I wanted to see if you were able to find what you are searching for.There are only 10 questions, so it shouldn’t take too long. Your input is greatly appreciated.Thanks!Jim Create …



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This spiritual work that I do only grows so much as we all want it to. It’s truly a co-creation between you–my students, readers, and well-wishing supporters–and me. I can say that I’m happy doing my part as a spiritual teacher, but I need your help to allow this work to continue to grow.Some of you have already joined my social media team to help share my blogs and videos around the Internet, and this is helping to build up visibility for …


Spiritual Poem: Love’s Wings

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I love the part of how we must choose the "Romance" again and again in this poem. I hope that this spiritual poem by my student, Jackie, offers you yet more courage and inspiration to choose the depths and profundity of the spiritual path.For more of her poems and other poetry, you can click this link:Spiritual PoetryEnjoy!Love's WingsRead more »


Webinar: Expanding Your Intuition

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I talk about intuition a lot, and I've done webinars on this topic in the past. At the heart of all of us is a knowing. We know what we need to do in our life. We know what really matters to us, and we know what our truth is. But on top of that knowing tends to be a huge pile of emotional and psychological debris that makes it impossible for us to clearly hear this quiet inner voice. To expand our intuition means that we need to do a lot of clean-up…