
Life Skills for Turning Discomfort into Motivation

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We all encounter a degree of resistance in life, it’s simply unavoidable. But does it seem to you like life has been getting more difficult lately? Do you find that it takes more effort to accomplish things that used to be simple? As life gets increasingly more challenging, we naturally need to learn more advanced life skills. To be effective, these new life skills should increase our ability to overcome greater challenges in a…


Challenge Yourself – Do a 100 Day Countdown

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It’s about to happen again! Soon there will only be 100 days left before this year is just a memory. That’s not much time, or is it? Have you ever wondered just how much you could accomplish in 100 days if you decided to really challenge yourself? The truth is that 100 days is more than enough time to make some very significant changes in your life, but first you have to decide to make it happen. So, you have a choice. You can let this year run its course and postpone those really big …


What Career is Just Right for You?

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Remember when you were little and someone would ask you: What do you want to be when you grow up? For many people, finding the right answer to that career question can seem pretty daunting. Perhaps it’s because deep down inside I think we all feel that there must be something I was meant to do; there must be a career that’s just…


What Makes a Happy Relationship?

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Why are some couples happier than others? What is the “secret” for a great relationship? With certain couples it is clear there is something about the way they interact that makes it obvious they have a unique and genuine connection. Even if you’re in a good relationship, you can’t help but wonder: What do they know that I don’t? And if you’re single, you might look at these couples and attribute it all to chemistry or destiny. But it turns out that people in great relationships live by a few basic rules and they make these rules a priority in their day-to-day lives together. Consider these habits that can help …


Can You Allow Gratitude to Change Your Life?

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We are all aware of the benefits that come from manifesting genuine appreciation and gratitude. But sometimes that’s easier said than done. In the face of a sinking economy, do you find it difficult to focus on gratitude? When it feels like your very way of life is being threatened, can you still have an attitude of gratitude? Yes, sometimes finding the good in a situation can seem like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Yet, the benefits of being in a state of genuine gratitude in spite of what’s going on around us are worth investigating. This is where focus comes into the picture. We can actually train ourselves to search for, discover, and focus…


What is Your Subconscious Mind Obsessed With?

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Scientists say that your subconscious mind runs about 95{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} of your daily life? This is because your subconscious mind is more dominant than your conscious mind. What does that mean? Well, it means that while your subconscious mind can affect the thoughts in your conscious mind, it’s very difficult to reverse this process. What is your subconscious mind doing? For starters your subconscious stores detailed information related to everything you have even seen, read, heard or experienced. It also stores all of your…


What Color Matches Your Personality?

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Throughout history different cultures have attributed various powers to certain colors. For example, in ancient Egypt and China they believed colors were able to facilitate the healing of various conditions. This approach is now referred to as light therapy and is still being used by modern holistic practitioners. Since color is an important factor in the visual appearance of products and brand recognition, color psychology is also used as a marketing tool. In fact, recent research shows that color can be used to communicate brand personality. What about your personality? Have you ever wondered…


7 Ways to Improve Your Life With Gratitude

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I am a big believer in using the power of gratitude to create positive changes. Being constantly aware of your many blessings, and feeling grateful for them, can have a huge impact on the quality of your life. When you are filled with appreciation, it quite literally changes the dynamic of your reality. I find it truly amazing how one, simple, positive action can change so much in a person’s life…


What is Your Mind Actually Good At?

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Do you feel that your mind is good at certain types of mental challenges and not as good at others? What kinds of thinking do you excel at? Maybe you’re really good at spelling, but not so good at math. Or perhaps you are good with concepts but not with logistics. How is your mind wired? Understanding what kind of thinking you are naturally good at can help you …


Discover Your Dominant Character Trait

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What dominate character trait would you say best describes you? Are you courageous, sensitive, or generous? Perhaps you see yourself as passionate, ambitions, analytical, trustworthy, or adventurous. Undoubtedly, you are actually a unique combination of several different character traits. But have you ever wondered which of those traits is your most dominant one? Not an easy call It’s been estimated that there are over six hundred primary character traits. Having that many choices makes it very difficult to identify your most dominant one…


What Do Your Instinctive Preferences Say About You?

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Many things in life exert an influence on your preferences. Some common examples would be social expectations, gender, education, and upbringing. On a deeper level, your choices and preferences are also influenced by instinct or what we might call intuitive intelligence?  Have you ever wondered how this powerful force is being expressed in your life? Seeing your instinctive side! We often describe ourselves by our life roles and…


Big 5 Personality Traits Quiz – Which are You?

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In the field of human psychology, the Big Five personality traits are made up of 5 very different categories that can be used to describe a wide range of personality types. The five specific categories are openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.  Let’s take a closer look. 1) Openness is characterized by transparency, honesty and sincerity with a tendency to accept new ideas. 2) Conscientiousness implies …


Let Nature Unwind Your Stress

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Nature has the amazing ability to restore our sense of inner peace. When was the last time you immersed yourself in the natural world away from the stress and pressure of your everyday life? I think “unwind” is an accurate description of the effect that nature has on us when we give it a chance. The pace of modern life can easily get …


What Does Successful Goal Setting Look Like?

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One of the primary reasons that people struggle to become successful is because they don’t have a clear vision of what they want to accomplish.  They probably have vague ideas of the benefits they would like to enjoy, but no solid goal setting strategy for getting there. This kind of scenario will often lead to jumping around from one idea to another, but never really committing to any of them. When results don’t come quickly, it’s easy to lose interest and move on to something that might bring …


How is Your Imagination Affecting Your Life – Quiz

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You were born with an amazing source of creative power and it’s called your imagination. Knowing how your imagination influences your life is important because the seeds of creativity live within your imagination. Most children have very active imaginations, but as you grow into adulthood there are an increasing number of expectations that can crowd out the role your imagination plays in your life. This is sad because there will never be a time when you would be better off without this creative ability. Your imagination and its influence on your life The creative energy that originates within your imagination can serve as the gateway to the …


There is No Overnight Success

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Because our life happens one day at a time, there is a tendency to view each day as a separate and independent event. While I am a big fan of living in the moment, it is equally important to understand how one moment relates to the next. This is especially true when we are talking about success, and that means success of any kind. Success takes time because it’s a building process, and when and when it looks like it happened overnight, that just means the we only saw the end result. …


How Do You Measure Success?

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People measure success in many different ways and on many different levels.  When setting goals in life or business, it’s important that we identify what success means to us personally, so that when we succeed we will know it. How do you measure success in business? For example, most people measure success in business according to their income; however this may not be an accurate assessment.  If your business efforts provide a substantial monetary reward but you don’t enjoy what you do, can this really be called success? If on the other hand, we were measuring financial success then income would be an accurate indicator.   Knowing what …


10 Minute Relaxing Vacation

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Could you use a relaxing ten minute mini vacation? Why not take ten and and let this video sooth your soul. 10 Minute Relaxing Vacation Are you relaxed? I know I am. The post 10 Minute Relaxing Vacation appeared first on Advanced Life Skills.


Self-Esteem, Your Response to Self-Image

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We all have a certain image of ourselves. This mental image is based on our personal assessment of our abilities, looks, intelligence, popularity and any number of other personal qualities. Our emotional evaluation of that image will determine our level of self-esteem. Even though we tend to think that our self-image is accurate and based on reality, it’s not. People rarely see themselves objectively…


Finding the Wisdom to Unlock Your Full Potential

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Every speck of scientific research on the subject of human potential says that we all have much more potential power and ability than we are currently using. On some level I think we all probably realize, or at least suspect, that we have massive potential. The problem is, realizing that you have…


11 High Powered Achievement Principles

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1) Define your purpose. You can’t experience a greater sense of achievement without direction. That means that the first step toward an increased level of achievement is to define your intention. What is it that you intend to accomplish? It’s important to be as specific and detailed as possible in this step. The more precise your description is, the easier it will be to take action. 2) Design a plan of action. Think before you act. Lay out a strategy to move you decisively in the direction of your goal. You may not understand everything involved, and you will probably need to make adjustments along the way – but you should…


Time, Money, Productivity, and Life

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Do you feel guilty when you’re not doing something productive? In this age of time management we can easily adopt the idea that if we are not focused on productivity then we are wasting time. So we try to get super organized in an effort to boost our productivity. We could claim our attempts to cram as much as possible into each day is based on the fact that life is short and we want to accomplish all we can. I’m sorry, but that argument just doesn’t hold water. Why? For one thing, it’s our natural tendency to seek …


How to Program Yourself for an Amazing Relationship

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Everybody wants a meaningful and lasting relationship. So, why does there seem to be such a scarcity of great relationships these days? Is there some way that we could be better prepared before we take a big relationship plunge? While every relationship has its own unique complexities, I believe that what we bring into a relationship emotionally is crucial to the success of that relationship. Too many people make a commitment to another person without being emotionally aligned with the reality of that commitment. They are still …


Instant Gratification or Long Term Satisfaction

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How are you doing in the tug-of-war between working toward your long term goals and the temptation of instant gratification? It is amazing how so many areas of life are affected by the gravitational pull of these two forces. Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to stick to a long term success plan and so easy to be derailed by things that only …