
Are You Feeling Stressed Out?

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Have you got endless demands tugging at you from all directions? Does your life seem to be spinning out of control? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out when you can’t ever seem to catch up. Do you think bringing your life into balance would require a major life change? It may not be as difficult as what you imagine.  Did you realize that, regardless of your circumstances, a true sense of balance actually comes from within you, not from your surroundings? 3 Ways to reduce feelings …


3 Ways to Turn Your Challenges into Opportunities

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How much difference can you create in your life with a subtle little shift in perception? Sometimes the difference between a happy, successful outcome and a dismal failure, is only a slight shift in perception. How we represent things to ourselves determines how we will respond to any given situation. In turn, our response will help determine the outcome. When life hands you a challenge, how do you feel about it? What is your initial internal response on an emotional level? What is your external response as seen through your body language and verbal expressions? Why does it even matter? What do our responses reveal about us? How we respond to any situation reveals a lot about our attitude and perception. So…


10 Ways to Cope When Bad Things Happen

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It doesn’t really matter who we are or what we do, from time to time, things go wrong. We can do our best to cover our bases, but sometimes it’s just outside our control. What’s important in these situations is not so much why bad things happen, but how we respond when they do. We’ve all been there! Have you ever had one of those stretches when it’s just one thing after another? Sure you have because it happens to everyone. Well, that’s why I am writing about this because I just went through it. I want to share some …


Can Positive Thinking Really Improve Your Life?

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Do you know any critics of positive thinking? Have you heard the argument that positive thinking is just a way of hiding from reality? The question of whether or not positive thinking has any measurable benefits has interested science for a number of years. For the most part, studies are focused on identifying possible physical benefits. As researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health, they have come to some interesting conclusions. Their results show that positive thinking benefits include: * Decreased negative stress * Greater resistance to catching the common cold * A sense of well-being and improved health * Reduced risk of coronary artery disease * Easier breathing if you have certain lung diseases…


6 Simple Steps to Improve Your Life Today

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Would you like to rearrange your current reality? Do you feel like you are ready to begin creating your life by design and manifesting the things you truly desire? If so, then I would like to share six simple steps that you can begin taking right now to help you improve your life. 1. Focus on what you intend to manifest…


What’s the Value of Values?

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Did you know that your personal values play a huge role in determining whether or not you experience a sense of satisfaction from reaching your goals in life? Did you know that if you don’t take the time to figure out what your personal standards are, you can easily undermine your own success without even realizing it? Just to be clear, we are …


What Controls Your Happiness?

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Clearly, happiness is something that everyone wants. To be happy is in fact, one of our most basic and fundamental desires. So if everyone has always wanted it, and if everyone is actively seeking it, why doesn’t everybody have it? That’s a rather difficult question for several reasons, but the solution may not be as complicated as you think. In the field of personal development we often base our conclusions on experience rather than scientific research. I thought it …


Personal Excellence with Advanced Life Skills

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Have you noticed that we live in a culture that seems to prefer flash over substance?  Sadly, this mentality has also crept into the field of personal growth and development. Personally, I do not believe in a shallow, one-dimensional approach to personal growth.  The whole concept of Advanced Life Skills was created specifically to provide the means for a personal evolution that begins deep inside, on a core level.  This is where true personal development starts. Your priorities really matter There are dozens of techniques aimed solely at attracting wealth and achieving your goals.  I have no problem at all with such pursuits. In fact, I often cover those areas in my articles. What I do have a problem …


Meet His 5 Needs and Transform Your Relationship

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Are you ever mystified by the way men behave? In your own relationship experience, does your man’s behavior ever leave you feeling completely puzzled and perhaps more than a little frustrated? If there have been times when you’ve concluded that he is just plain weird or irrational, well, you were probably right. Would you like to know what is actually behind his puzzling behavior? It’s not a lack of love! While men like to think that they are ruled by logic, there are definitely times when logic goes out the window and powerful unseen forces take over. And just because we are not aware of these underlying forces, or we choose to ignore them, that doesn’t change reality. The truth is, some of our behaviors…