
What is Your Biggest Obstacle to Personal Growth?

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What is it that stands between where you are now, and the next level of personal growth? Does it ever feel like the harder you try, the more difficult change becomes? Have you ever thought that there might be some kind of underlying invisible force designed to make your progress slow and difficult? That’s a perfectly reasonable assumption, and here’s why. If there were no such force, then personal growth would be easy. Obviously that’s not the case or personal development wouldn’t be a multi-billion dollar industry. The very existence…


The Battle between Motivation and Fear

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Has fear ever gotten the best of your motivation? When this happens it can be very frustrating and disappointing. No motivation means little or no action. The end result is likely to be that another goal falls by the wayside. No matter how much you want to achieve your goal the lack of motivation will eventually cause you to lose your focus. This is especially true of epic goals that require consistent effort over an extended period of time. The battle between …


20 Life Skills to Keep Peace in Your Relationship

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It is inevitable that in every relationship there are going to be differences, and everyone has days when their emotions can get the better of them. The problem is not that we have differences in our relationship, the problem lies in the way we handle those differences. When our ego gets in the way, we can easily say or do things that threaten the peace of our relationship and increase the level of relationship stress. Instead of putting the peace of your relationship on the line when there’s a problem, wouldn’t it be better to develop the life skills needed to resolve problems with consideration, awareness and respect? 20 Life skills …


The Key to Making Wise Decisions

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Of all the valuable life skills a person can develop, the ability to make wise decisions ranks at the very top. No other skill has such a dramatic impact on our quality of life! And yet, society seems to be plagued with those who consistently make bad decisions. Have you ever been amazed by the abundance of shortsightedness when it comes to making decisions? Have you ever wondered why such an important life skill presents such a formidable challenge to so many? Have you struggled with this challenge personally? Making wise decisions is a life skill In order for us to learn a skill, there must be …


Learning to Focus on Abundance Instead of Scarcity

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During challenging times it can be extremely difficult to maintain a positive mental focus. Perhaps you have wrestled with this yourself. At those times when all your resources seem to be evaporating, do you find it difficult to focus on abundance? Consciously and consistently moving your focus away from lack and scarcity is one of the most effective things you can …


Life Skills For the Life You Really Want?

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I’d like to talk to you about a very important concept that can totally change the way you experience life starting immediately. The idea that I would like you to fully grasp is this: You can develop the life skills you need to create the life you really want. It does not matter where you are in …


Is it Goal Setting or just Wishful Thinking?

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To a person with a progressive mindset, goal setting represents an opportunity for continued growth and achievement. It’s like being able to create a new beginning any time and for any reason. By nature, some of us are hardwired to want to keep making progress in all areas of our life. We enjoy the process of setting our sights on something, and then pursuing that desired outcome until it is realized. There is a special kind of gratification that comes from challenging ourselves to meet a higher standard and then rising to meet that challenge. Don’t let goal setting be reduced to wishful thinking While we are at it, let’s also acknowledge that the other side of that coin is the fact that even…


14 Very Effective Communication Skills

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Statistics point to the fact that approximately 85{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} percent of our success in life is directly attributable to our communication skills. That means that no matter how ambitious, how committed, or how highly educated someone is, they still have a low probability of success unless they develop the right communication skills. If you really look at the way people tend to converse with one another, it becomes very clear that most of us could probably benefit from giving some attention to our communication skills. “The quality of your life is the quality of your communication.” ~Tony Robbins Communication skills and success Any time you want to expand your…


The Mindset and Motives of Giving

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When it comes to the simple act of giving motives and mindset really matter. Many of us are unconsciously so self-centered that everything we do, even within our closest relationships, is actually bartering rather than unconditional giving. This can be true even when we are dealing with ourselves as I pointed out in an article called What Do You Think You Deserve? We all realize that giving on any level feels really good, but internally all forms of giving are not created equal.  This is where…


Do You Truly Value Your Closest Friendships?

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I believe that the quality of your life is closely tied to the quality of your closest friendships. Do you feel like that is true? Most of us probably know a fair amount of people on a variety of levels. Some are casual acquaintances that we know just because our paths cross on a regular basis. While we can’t choose all of the people we encounter during the course of a normal day, there are certain people we choose to have in our lives. We call these people our friends. Friendships also happens on a different levels Let me ask you something: 1) How…


7 Ways to Adjust Your Mindset about Money

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Think about the fact that the currency we exchange is nothing more than printed paper. It doesn’t really have any value at all except the value that’s been assigned to it. Why would we want to measure our personal worth against printed paper that has no value? And yet, this is the mindset that millions of people have adopted. Look at the effect money has on the way we view ourselves. To some degree, our sense of self-worth and security tends to rise and fall with our income. And regardless of how we reason on it intellectually, the truth is, we all have an emotional connection with money because we always feel better when finances are not an issue. Let’s adjust the picture a little…


Do You Have “Good Old Days” Syndrome?

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Recently I was contacted by some old friends that I had not seen or heard from in about 36 years. Oh the power of the web! As we talked, I began to realize that they might be victims of what I like to refer to as Glory Day Syndrome, which is basically a nostalgic longing for the so called “good old days.” I started to think about the limiting effects of this condition, and to wonder how many of our readers might…


Turning Fear into Anticipation and Excitement

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Fear is like a two-sided coin. If we control it, we can use it to our benefit. On the flipside, if fear controls us, it will render us unable to accomplish anything. Think about a roller coaster ride. Part of what moves people to get on a roller coaster is the fear, except they don’t call it fear, do they?  No, they call it excitement. What makes it possible to embrace a fearful situation and see it as exciting and exhilarating?  In the case of a roller coaster, you see others doing it and having fun.  No one flew out of their seat, and all the cars stayed on the track.  So your mind becomes convinced that you won’t die. Logic versus emotion This…


Life Skills for Sailing on the Sea of Life

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I love to sail and once had the pleasure of spending a month on a beautiful 42 ft. sailboat in the Sea of Cortez between the east coast of Baja and the west coast of Mexico. Reflecting on that experience got me thinking about some of the similarities between literal sailing and the experience of sailing on the sea of life. For one thing, specialized skills are required to succeed at either. One requires sailing skills and the other requires life skills. In the process of living, the …


How to Take Action When you’re Stuck in Indecision

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How many times have you been working on a project or an important goal and then, all of a sudden everything comes to a screeching halt because you get hung up on something unexpected? It’s crazy, isn’t it? One minute everything is progressing nicely, the next minute you are totally stuck. You want to move forward, but here you are at this critical crossroad. And even though you never saw it coming, now you find yourself in…


Finding Inner Peace and Harmony

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Through no fault of our own, most of us lack a certain degree of awareness about who we really are. I’m not talking about the person we are on the surface. Rather, I am referring to who we are on a core level once you strip away the social programming, ego, and learned defenses. Being the adaptable creatures that we are, we learn to play peekaboo with our true self from a very young age. We adapt our behavior for various reasons as we are exposed to a variety of circumstances and situations. This is good because adaptability is an important and vital life skill. In fact, on many different levels our survival depends on it. Businesses that don’t adapt to changing…


Hindsight and Our Personal Life Lessons

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There are literally dozens of famous quotes that begin with “If I knew then what I know now…” In fact, there is even a book by that name. What are we really talking about when we start a sentence with: If I knew then what I know now? Think about that for a moment. What kind of perception and feelings would prompt us to use that phrase? * The perception. Anytime we compare the present to the past we are doing so with the advantage of hindsight. We are…


TRUE SELF it’s Who You Are not What You Do!

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The biggest identity crisis going seems to exist in the blurry zone of confusion between what we do and who we actually are as a person. That’s because there is a very strong tendency to identify ourselves with our primary activities in life. Let’s look at that. What we do in life usually consumes a huge portion of our time and focus. It is only natural that we would want to spend that time doing something that feels gratifying on many levels. If it’s a job of some kind, not only do we want to feel financially gratified, but we also want to enjoy what we do and feel like we’re doing something valuable, right? How important is …


How Well do You Know Your True Self?

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Who are you?  No, it’s not a trick question and I am not asking for your name. I am also not asking for your résumé, marital status, or life history. Those things may be a reflection of who you are, but my question goes a little deeper than that. I’m asking how well you actually know yourself as a person. In other words, who are you underneath all the trappings and titles? What do you see when you look at your very core? Who is that inner…


The Get Happy Now Secret

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Why do we set goals and then take action to achieve them? For that matter, why do we want meaningful friendships, more money, nicer surroundings, or anything else that people commonly pursue? What is the underlying desire that drives us to do almost everything in life? Simple really, every person on the planet wants the same thing, to be happy. Isn’t…


Where’s the Happiness?

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Are you happy with your life the way it is?  Overall, can you say you’re truly happy?  If not, do you know why? Could it possibly be because you haven’t made the choice to be happy? When we think of being successful, we imagine that happiness is an inevitable side effect.  We may envision ourselves with the perfect job, the perfect mate, …


Would You rather be a Butterfly or a Caterpillar?

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Butterfly or caterpillar, which would you rather be? Are you wondering why I would even ask that question? Well, let’s think about the differences between the two for a minute. A caterpillar crawls from leaf to leaf, eating, sleeping, and crawling. He does the same thing, day in and day out, not realizing that anything else is possible. A butterfly, on the other hand, goes where it wants to go, and drinks nectar from the choicest flowers. Some butterflies travel thousands of miles to spend the winter …


Is Your Reason Why Good Enough?

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It’s interesting how our accomplishments often depend more on the reason why we do something, rather than the difficulty of the task at hand. We can be compelled to take on great challenges if our reason for doing so is strong enough. On the other hand, even a simple task can seem insurmountable if we can’t come up with a good enough reason why we feel we should do it. How many times have you avoided doing something just because there was no impelling motive? The power behind action, or inaction, often hinges on that simple three letter word, “why.” When it feels like…


How to Turn Hindsight Into Insight

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We have all heard the expression, “hindsight is 20-20,” but is that really the case? Well, it certainly can be, but only if we are paying attention to where we have been and what we have learned. Experience has the potential to be our very best teacher, and hindsight plays a vital role…