
7 Fundamental Truths about Personal Development

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Before we can really lock into meaningful personal development and create the life we truly desire, there are a number of basic concepts that must be accepted. In personal development, as in any other field, there are fundamental truths that exist. If we want to experience optimal results, we need to understand and fully embrace those truths. While the existence of these personal development truths may be generally accepted on an intellectual level, more than acknowledgment is required. This seems to be one of the major differences between people who make things happen in life, and those who can’t figure out …


7 Vital Building Blocks of Confidence

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When you see people who appear to be confident and sure of their every move, what goes through your mind? Do you know someone like that who seems to succeed at everything they do? Are you convinced that it’s because they are smarter, luckier or in some way better than you are? It’s very likely that none of those things are true. But confident …


Self Confidence In the Face of Challenges

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We live in challenging times, how’s your self confidence holding up? Let’s face it, maintaining your personal confidence when life is relatively normal can be challenging enough. But when we are confronted by unexpected challenges, it can be very difficult to avoid giving in to self-doubt and uncertainty. When we feel confident, it makes us more resourceful. Challenges seem less threatening and have much less impact on our sense of security. Take away our self confidence and we become unsteady in our ability to make decisions …


Don’t Let Fear Get In Your Way

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It is a rare person who lives without fearful feelings of one kind or another.  You may be afraid of heights, or spiders, or new situations, or rejection. Whatever your fears may be, there are basically two ways of dealing with them. The first is to let those fears create boundaries beyond which you can’t move or grow. The second is to face your fears head-on and allow them to become opportunities to expand your life.  Which approach do you tend to use? We should also acknowledge the fact that being afraid is not always a bad thing.  There are obviously some things that we should be …


Personal Power and the Magic of Self-Appointment

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From a young age, you are appointed. Appointed to what and by whom? By your parents as “old enough to stay home alone.” By your institutions as “educated enough to enter the full time work force.” By your employers as “responsible enough for a promotion.” Ask yourself these 2 important questions: 1) Have you become mentally conditioned by all the external appointments? 2) Have…


How to Maintain Your Positive Energy Even When You’re Surrounded by Bad News

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How does the endless supply of bad news pouring over the airwaves day after day make you feel? Is your exposure to this pervasive influence beginning to take a toll on your outlook? Admittedly, it can be extremely challenging to maintain an optimistic attitude when you are surrounded by bad news and uncertainty. So, how is it that some people manage to stay positive and upbeat in this environment while others give in to fear and …


How Do Appreciation & Gratitude Affect Your Life?

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I am a big believer in using the power of gratitude to create positive changes. Being constantly aware of your many blessings, and feeling grateful for them, can have a huge impact on the quality of your life. When you are filled with appreciation, it quite literally changes the dynamic of your reality. I find it truly amazing how one, simple, positive action can change so much in a person’s life. In fact, recognizing the profound power of gratitude is one of the things that have had a huge effect on my life. It has made me a more positive and caring person. It …


An Indirect Approach to Happiness

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One of the most common mistakes we can make in dealing with others is to assume that they share the same view of reality as we do.  The truth is we all represent our experiences, real or imagined, according to our own specialized vantage point. We could go through the same exact experience with ten other people and each person would have their own version of what happened. Does that mean that we are the only one who sees things accurately…


Unchain Yourself from Conventional Thinking Myths

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What if I said that conventional thinking is at best only a beginning, and often just leads to a dead end? Not only that, but what if I also said that it has a way of limiting our beliefs and closing our minds to the possibility of living an extraordinary life of true happiness. Why would I say such a thing? Because conventional thinking is based on widely accepted assumptions which may…


Seeking Wisdom from Outside the Box

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By the time I turned 22 I was living a lifestyle that seemed completely unrealistic to everyone I knew. I had abandoned my suburban roots and struck out on my own. I was now living deep in the forest of southern Oregon. I had stripped my life down to the absolute minimum so I could start over from scratch. I was now living without electricity or a telephone, and my only source of running water was the mountain creek that flowed past my tent. This was the…


The Proven Power of Goals and YOU!

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If you could only choose one way to radically improve the quality of your life, what single technique would you focus on?  Let’s face it; in the field of personal development there is truly a wide variety of skills that can have a profound effect on your life.  There are ways to modify your behavior patterns and change your belief systems. There are also ways to …


Your Ultimate Finish Strong Countdown Challenge

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It is always motivating to see what can happen when someone makes up their mind to really go for it. Challenging ourselves is one of the most powerful ways I know to harness hidden abilities that would not have surfaced otherwise. Would you like to unlock your potential, overcome seemingly impossible obstacles, and blow through your personal or professional barriers? If so, then here’s a true story that will light your fires. Fortitude and determination We’ve all heard of the Tour de France. Without a doubt it is one of the toughest, most grueling bike races in the world. One …


The 100 Day Countdown Challenge

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It’s about to happen again! In a few days (on September 22 to be exact) there will only be 100 days left before this year is just a memory. That’s not much time, or is it? Have you ever wondered just how much you could accomplish in 100 days if you really got focused? The truth is that 100 days is more than enough time to make some very significant changes in your life, but first you have to decide to make it happen. So, you have a choice. You can let this year run its…


37 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now!

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Have you ever wondered: What can I do to improve my life right now? Sometimes a few small changes can have a profound effect on the way we experience life. With that in mind, I invite you to consider the following: 1. Make the choice to be happy. The biggest part of being happy is to simply make up your…


Nonconformity is not the same as Individuality

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Everyone wants to feel like they have some qualities that are worthy of notice. There seems to be no limit to the lengths that some will go in order to be recognized as different and to stand out in a crowd. The funny thing is, the harder they try to be different, the more they blend in with some particular segment or subculture. How’s that for irony? Trying to …


Inspiration and the Art of Nonconformity

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The vast majority of people are not particularly inspired and their lives are anything but inspirational. That’s a trap that you and I would prefer to avoid, right? So, the question is: How do we become part of the inspired minority who live lives of passion and enthusiasm? Obviously, there must be some point of divergence that will lead us away from the pack. Where exactly can we find the turnoff that will get us moving away from an ordinary life and toward an extraordinary one? Stop following the masses It makes sense, doesn’t it? If the majority of people are not living the kind of life you want to live, why would you want to follow…


What is the Ultimate State of Personal Power?

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What is it that can move a person to go from a state of ho hum complacency to totally motivated and ready for any challenge? How is it that some people are able to harness the fortitude to overcome every obstacle that life throws at them while others give up and surrender their dreams? What kind of elusive personal power makes it possible for guys like Thomas Edison to achieve success after ten thousand failed attempts? And what driving force motivated…


Have You Found True Happiness?

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You have probably achieved many things in your life and hopefully those achievements have given you a sense of satisfaction. But let me ask you this, are you happy? The reason I ask is because for many people true happiness is an elusive pursuit. Even though they are able to achieve success in many areas, for some reason it still doesn’t lead to the happiness they were expecting. Have you ever wondered why? We’ve been taught that a good education, meaningful career, nice home and family are …


How Changing your Attitude Changes Your Reality

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Let’s talk about the internal aspect of making positive changes to your current reality. I believe that the foundation of a successful life has a lot more to do with attitude than it does with aptitude, but I’m not the only one. Surveys, studies and research consistently indicate that 85{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} of success in almost any endeavor will depend on attitude and only about 15{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} on aptitude. Yet, in most educational settings the emphasis is exactly the opposite. In fact, attitude is rarely discussed. Adding attitude to your knowledge and skill Regardless of what you do for a career, technical knowledge and skills usually play an important role. But is knowledge and skill all it takes to succeed? In this highly competitive…


How to Expect the Best

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Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck in negative thought patterns that dampen your expectations? You know the kind I mean, where you start expecting the worst possible outcomes.  Have you ever thought or said: ‘I don’t think I can make this work, or I seriously doubt that I can pull this off.” This is a common mindset that often proves very difficult to change even after you finally decide that you’ve had enough.  That’s because the negative thoughts behind the …


Genetic Code or Perception – Which is Stronger?

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In a  recent conversation I stated that I believe our minds have the ability to communicate with our DNA. I went on to say that I am convinced that our minds can actually influence the expression of our genetic code. Needless to say, some who heard me say those things…


Is It Time to Reinvent Yourself?

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It always amazes me when I meet people who are resistant to change. In many ways, that’s like being resistant to life itself. You see, life is a growing experience, and growing, by definition, involves change. In essence, no change means no growth because the two are actually synonymous. If you look back on your life, I think you will discover that you have been reinventing yourself from the beginning. When you were a child you saw a vision of the future based on your limited knowledge and experience. You may have said that you wanted to be a fireman or a ballerina when you grew up, or maybe…


30 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Life Experience

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1. Create a feel good morning. Start the day off spending some time (at least 20 minutes) doing whatever makes you feel good, even if you need to get up a little earlier. Start your day by connecting with yourself. 2. Get enough sleep. Make sure you go to bed early enough to get however much sleep you personally need to wake up feeling rested. You cannot function optimally if you start out tired. 3. Take a wake up …


How to Get More Enjoyment Out of Every Day

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When you are busy working toward a long term goal do you find it difficult to maintain your focus? Does it seem like your life requires you to play so many different roles that it is almost impossible to stay focused on any one project for very long? When our attention …