
Conscious Awareness – When Change Leads to Acceptance

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The quest for personal development often begins with a desire for change. What kind of change? Well, the kind that will result in a greater sense of happiness and satisfaction. When motivated people become aware that some aspect of their life is falling short of what they think is possible, they search for ways to make improvements. This is the underlying foundation all personal growth and development. It starts with conscious awareness Until we become consciously aware of the need for personal change, we will have…


YOU Can Change it ALL – You are Remarkable

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Which of these two statements best describes your attitude when faced with trying or challenging circumstances? 1. “That’s just the way things are and there is nothing I can do about it” 2. “I’m not going to let anything except personal choice dictate my life.” Have you ever wondered why some people seem so empowered and in control of their lives while others are convinced that they are hopelessly trapped? How is it that some individuals have the internal resources to rise above seemingly unbelievable adversity and go on to accomplish remarkable things against all odds? When we feel trapped Feeling trapped can create a strong sense of helplessness and hopelessness. From that state it can be very difficult to believe that there is anything we can …


Do You Feel the Need for a Change?

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From the moment of conception life is about change. How do you feel about that? Is it your natural tendency to embrace change, resist it, ignore it, or perhaps even try to deny it? I think our response usually depends on whether we view any particular change as good or bad. For example, if our income goes up by 50{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} we would likely welcome the change and view it as a good thing. On the other hand, the thought of having our income cut in half might meet with some resistance. Different kinds of change There are several kinds of change that we all deal…


The Power of Intention and My Personal Quest

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Have you ever heard the phrase, “you’ve got to really want it”? Many people believe that the secret to manifesting their dreams is a strong want or desire. To add emphasis they may say I really want to do this or have that. Well, I’m here to tell you that wanting isn’t going to get it done. Why wanting doesn’t work! The problem with …


Do You Have the Courage to Be Honest?

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If honesty is really the best policy then why is there so much deception? And if we feel disrespected when someone isn’t honest with us, then how can we justify those little white lies and carefully crafted exaggerations? If we expect other people to have the courage to be honest with us, then wouldn’t anything but honesty from us be promoting a double standard? Maybe…


17 Ways to Create the Perfect Workday

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Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressures or demands of your workday? Do you think it’s possible to create an environment where you can allow yourself to be more relaxed, more productive, and happier while working? The first step toward this goal is to realize that you are in control of your day, and there is a lot you can do to control your working experience. What…


Do You Need to Aim Higher?

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Are you struggling to stay motivated on your journey to success?  Have your goals lost some of the shine they had when you first set them?  If so, you might consider whether they are big enough to hold your interest. You may have thought so at one time, but if your goals are not what you really want deep down inside, you’re probably trying to force yourself to settle for what you think you can get rather than what you really want. Believe it or not, there may be a very simple, yet counterintuitive, solution to this problem! Here it is… Aim Higher! Set a goal that is so big and impressive that just thinking about it…


3 Keys to Realizing Your Dreams and Goals

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When it comes to manifesting our dreams and accomplishing our goals, there are three vital components that deserve our attention. Before we get into that, ask yourself the following question: Am I actively moving in the direction of my goals and dreams each and every day? Everybody has dreams and most people have goals. If you want your goals and dreams to become reality, you must move toward them consistently and purposefully. By nature, we always …


Clarity Goes Beyond Just Knowing What You Want

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What do you really want from your life? Most of us probably feel fairly confident that we know what we want. Chances are, you could probably come up with a comprehensive list on the spot, right? If that’s true, then what’s the point in asking what we really want from life? In a word, the point is CLARITY.  Here’s why! If we are not absolutely crystal clear about what we really want then it is extremely unlikely that we will ever get it. The reason is simple! With clarity comes focus and action follows focus. Without it there is no real focus or meaningful action and as a result nothing happens. Do you want any of these things? When asked “What do you…


What Could You Accomplish in 100 Days?

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If you got very focused and extremely motivated, what amazing goal could you accomplish in 100 days? What if you put all your focus on one thing with so much value that achieving it would elevate the way you feel about your whole life. How empowering would that be? Most of the time there are only two things that prevent us from reaching our most important goals. Can you guess what those two things are? Let me give you a…


Courage is a Choice

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What is preventing you from the relentless pursuit of your most cherished dreams? Is it circumstances? Are you keeping your dreams on hold thinking that as soon as your situation changes you will seize the opportunity and go for it? If that is what you’ve been telling yourself then you might want to examine your situation a little further.  Is it possible that there is something else holding you back? Could it possibly be some underlying fear that you haven’t quite come to grips with? Don’t let fear rob you of your dreams There is an incredible array of fears that can influence us in many subtle and deceptive ways. So much so that we…


How Focus Defines Our Life

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Photography is an amazing way to learn about focus. This is because the very act of viewing life through the lens of a camera can help us develop a truly empowering skill. We call that skill focus, and learning to use it properly can transform our perception of the world around us and the people in it. I believe that the power to change your reality is equal to your ability to focus your attention in the most beneficial direction at any given time. 3 things photography can …


In the Pursuit of Happiness

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What do you want to be? The simple answer to that question is the same for every single person on the planet. We all want to be happy. At the core of every other possible answer is that one underlying truth. Happiness is what we want! It starts when we are children When you were very young, did anyone ever ask you “what do you want to be when you grow up”? Of course they did. How did we respond? We looked around at the adults in our world to find examples of possible answers to that question. …


Is Productivity the Key to Happiness?

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Productivity is a good thing, right? That wonderful sense of accomplishment we get from getting more done in less time can be a genuine source of joy and satisfaction. I think most of us are on the lookout for ways to ramp up our productivity. At the same time, it’s easy to get so caught up in the push that we forget why we are striving to be more productive. Have you ever wondered&#…


From Deadliest Catch Fisherman to Online Success

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Crab fishing in Alaskan waters is by far the most lethal form of fishing and not surprisingly, it tops the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ list of jobs with the most fatalities. In the unforgiving Bering Sea, ice can quickly coat a boat deck while 700-pound crab cages swinging from a winch can easily knock workers overboard. Even in a survival suit, hypothermia from the cold water can kill quickly. In fact, about 80{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} of fatalities among crab fishermen are caused by drowning. So, why do Alaska’s deadliest catch fishermen do it? For the money of course. According to the Alaska Employment Center, crewmen can earn from $20,000 to more than…


Money – Source of Freedom or Frustration?

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Have you ever envied people that are able to easily make gobs of money while doing something they really enjoy? Sadly, most people have a completely different financial reality. How do you feel about that? Money occupies a very unique place in our lives for several reasons. When making it is something that we struggle with, then we can end up spending huge chunks of our time …


Anatomy of Personal Change

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Personal change is both an internal and external experience. It stems from a change in mindset and branches out from there. In truth, we are constantly moving toward some things, and away from others. But in order for noticeable transformation to occur, we must pass through a series of tipping points in succession. This does not mean that a personal change can’t take place quickly, because it can. What it does mean is that all meaningful change, regardless of the time required, will follow a certain sequence. On the path of personal transformation We see an excellent large scale example of this sequential process…


Where’s Your Focus?

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How good are you at focusing your time and attention toward things that really matter?  In a world full of constant distractions, how often do you find yourself struggling to maintain your focus on the things that are truly important to you personally? The connection between what we choose to focus on and our current reality is often misunderstood. Increasingly, productivity is being replaced by busy work and as a result, feelings of frustration are overtaking our sense of accomplishment.  Learning to purposely direct your focus will make it possible to reverse this trend. Focusing on priorities while avoiding distractions Understanding …


Can You Really Turn Your Passion into Profit?

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In case you haven’t noticed, turning your passion into profits is the single biggest promise making gurus and marketers rich these days. What a great marketing hook. Think about it, who doesn’t want to turn their passion into profit? It’s a dream that is shared by millions of aspiring entrepreneurs, to get paid for living on their own terms and to make a living doing something they love doing. That is probably the primary reason why, worldwide, there are approximately 175,000 new blogs started…


Are You Pursuing Your Passion or Just Being Practical?

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What is your passion? Come on, you can say it out loud, don’t be afraid. Let me help you: “My passion is _______________” There, all you need to do is simply fill in the blank. Oh, are you thinking that you don’t know what your passion is? Maybe I can help you figure it out. Write down a few possible contenders, and then ask yourself the following questions with regard to each one: 1) Does doing it, or thinking about it make you feel good about yourself? 2) Is it something you enjoy doing so much that you would do it for free, or even pay money…


Why Negative Life Lessons Are So Valuable

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When looking for ways to improve our lives, what is it we usually focus on? Don’t we tend to focus on things that will move our reality in a more positive direction? Typically, we look for ways to experience greater happiness, create more leisure time, or increase our level of success. Regardless of the area we focus on, the intent is usually to make some degree of positive improvement, to notch things up to the next level. While this is a very important part of personal development, it is really less than fifty percent of the big picture. Why do I say that? Because in reality, the greater part of personal development comes from learning… Negative life lessons I know, it sounds strange and even a…


Choose the Life You Really Want

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Everything we do in life is a choice, and I think most of us realize that. But what most people don’t seem to realize is that everything we don’t do in life is also a choice. Every day we choose to do some things and to not do other things. Sometimes choosing not to do something is the wisest choice. However, there is a huge difference…


Is Your Life Getting More Difficult?

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We all encounter a degree of resistance in life, it’s simply unavoidable. But does it seem to you like life has been getting more difficult lately? Do you find that it takes more effort to accomplish things that used to be simple? Isn’t technology supposed to make life easier, more affordable, and less complicated? Theoretically, life should be getting easier, not more difficult. Has that been your experience, or is the exact opposite true? The ability to cope… There seems to be something about technological advancement that makes certain specific tasks easier, while simultaneously making life as a whole more challenging. A quick glance at the increase in prescriptions for antidepressant and anti-anxiety meds makes…


The Art of Making Wise Decisions

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When you are making decisions, what do you base them on? Do you ever find yourself searching for information but never finding the answers you really need? Have you ever wondered how the questions you ask affect the decisions you make? Sometimes it seems like the moment you go looking for meaningful answers to important questions so you can make a wise decision, things begin to get confusing. Either there is not enough information available, or there are so many opinions that you …