
Are They Problems or Challenges?

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Like it or not, problems, or challenges, are a recurring part of everyday life. Whether you choose to call them challenges, as I do, or problems, certainly doesn’t change the fact that they happen. However, it does change the way we respond to them and that little shift can make a huge difference in our state of mind! Subconsciously, having a problem means, …


How to Resolve Conflicts and Restore Peace

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It seems that many of us will either do too little or do too much in response to a conflict. We will either try to avoid people who are upset with us which will only cause tensions to strengthen with time or we may become too confrontational and end up in a personal battle that doesn’t lead anywhere beneficial. Wouldn’t it be better to find ways to resolve conflicts and restore peace? I think we can all agree that life is challenging enough without getting involved …


Is Your Life Satisfying or Disappointing?

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Do you ever feel that perhaps there is some vital element of your life missing? When you hear others talk about their deepest passions, do you look at your own life and wonder why you don’t have those same feelings? When someone speaks of how they find their work, marriage, or daily …


Where Does Your Path Lead?

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In life, every path leads somewhere and we are all on a path of some kind. So, the important question here is this – do you know where your path is leading you? All of us prefer to think that the path we are currently on is leading us exactly where we want to go. But is that true, or is it just wishful thinking? And how can we know? Life is a journey In many ways life is like any other journey and the path we choose is important. If you are going to drive from Los Angeles to New York, there is any number of ways to get…


Does Success Require Self Discipline?

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When working toward a goal or striving for success in any endeavor, self-discipline is often listed as absolutely necessary. How do you feel about that? Do you cringe at the thought of self discipline? Many people do because it brings to mind visions of sacrifice, denial, and a constant battle against their natural tendencies. To some, the whole idea of having any form of …


What Is Success?

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If I were to ask you, “how do you feel about success?” What would be your response? Most people would say: I feel great about it, I want more of it, I deserve it, I am working towards it. Why are those feelings so common? Because most of the people on this planet feel that being successful is a good thing. When they think …


Success – Is it Worth the Risk?

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Risk-taking is scary for most of us because there is always the potential for loss. We’ve been taught to be careful and avoid taking any unnecessary risks. Instead, we are cautioned to play it safe and just take baby steps toward our dreams. While this approach does tend to feel safer there are also some serious downsides. For one, you can’t build momentum by holding yourself back. In fact, the …


What Remains When the Newness Wears Off?

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The ability to adapt to change is a great asset in this ever changing world. In fact, those who are able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and stay ahead of the curve are often thought of as cutting edge. In some cases, this ability can even mean our very survival. You probably also know those who are resistant to making any kind of new adjustment, unless they are forced to do so. We might describe them as stuck in their ways. This mindset often results in being way behind the curve, instead of ahead of it. So being able to recognize…


The Struggle between Greed and Compassion

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For some reason I found myself thinking about some of the seemingly forgotten environmental disasters of the recent past, like the nuclear fallout still blanketing the earth since the earthquake in Japan. As I considered the long range environmental challenges facing today’s world, I suddenly realized that they all have a common cause. Why have the oceans become toxic sewers? Why is everything from the air we breathe to the water we drink polluted? Why is real food being replaced with roundup ready GMO garbage that rats won’t even eat? And, why does the threat of radiation poisoning from 440 active commercial nuclear power plants worldwide hinge on the operation of relatively simple water pumps? The answer to all these questions is GREED! …


Information Overload and the Art of Communication

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What does it take to connect with others so that our message stays with them? How can we frame our communication in a way that bypasses their built in perception filters and leaves a lasting impression? As a writer, this subject is of special interest to me. Beyond that, the benefits of mastering effective communication touches …


20 Ways to Create More Time

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Time seems to be an issue for almost everyone. We all have a lot of things that we need to get done, but many of them have absolutely nothing to do with what is truly important in our lives. With so many demands on our time these days it’s easy to feel like we are losing control. Do …


11 Steps to a More Positive You

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Our attitude has a profound effect on the quality of our life. Optimism and pessimism create two completely different realities. By taking a few simple steps to adopt a more positive attitude, you can enjoy both immediate and long term benefits. “Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” ~Earl Nightingale Increased happiness is one of the immediate positive effects of a more optimistic attitude. The fact is, optimistic people tend to experience much greater personal joy on a day-to-day basis than their pessimistic counterparts. The prospect of a longer healthier life is also a scientifically proven benefit of living with a positive attitude. In contrast, a negative, pessimistic mindset has been shown to contribute to scores of health …


Do You See Blessings in Your Challenges?

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Have you ever noticed that every challenge also contains a blessing in disguise? If not, perhaps you haven’t been looking closely enough! Granted, life’s challenges usually seem like inconveniences when they interrupt our schedules, or get in the way of something we want to do. Isn’t that part of the reason we call them challenges? When we’re working toward a goal that’s…


The Relationship Between Success and Failure

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Do you believe that success is the opposite of failure? That’s exactly what most of us have been conditioned to think. If someone makes an all out effort to achieve some goal but doesn’t quite make it, what have they done? Have they failed? Well, that all depends on their concept (and yours) of success and failure. For some, the result alone is what determines if we belong in the winner’s circle or …


Can You Live a Balanced Life with a Cluttered Mind?

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Do you ever feel overwhelmed because you know that you could not get everything done even if your day was 72 hours long? Do you feel ripped off because you seem to spend all your time doing what needs to get done, instead of what you would like to be doing? Three questions …


Does Failure Really Exist?

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Have you ever held back on doing something because you were afraid of failure?  Most people have!  Let’s face it; no one likes to fail.  None of us likes to feel like we’re ineffective, weak, or lacking in any way, and that’s exactly how failure makes us feel. However, you may be surprised to know that failure doesn’t exist – until YOU say it does.  In the dictionary, failure has several definitions: 1. A failing to do or perform 2. A state of inability to perform a normal function adequately 3. A fracturing or giving way under stress 4. A lack of success Look carefully at those definitions and you’ll probably realize they have one thing in common when…


Why Is It Called the Comfort Zone?

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We have all heard about the comfort zone, but have you ever noticed how inaccurate that description can be? For many, the comfort zone may not be all that comfortable. Perhaps a more accurate description might be “the less uncomfortable zone” or even “the avoidance zone.” I say that because if we were truly comfortable in a situation, why would we ever feel a need for change? Here’s an example: If we are thirty pounds overweight and we are avoiding doing something about it, some might suggest that we need to get outside of our…


The Power of Surrender

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There are few things more maddening than running into obstacles and blockades while you’re working toward an important goal.  You know how it works. You’ll be moving along nicely, feeling great about your progress, when all of a sudden – boom; you’re stuck.  You’ve just encountered an obstacle that you have no…


The 5 Dimensions of Knowledge

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Knowledge is something that we all possess in varying amounts on a wide range of subjects. For some reason, there is a tendency to view knowledge in a rather linear way. As if all knowledge should be considered in the same light. I think this is a shortsighted approach that can prevent us…


How to Identify Your Passions

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Passion is the fuel that can power you toward the realization of your dreams. To live a truly satisfying and purposeful life you need to know what your passions are so you can fill your day with them. Have you found your passions in life or are you still searching? Many people struggle to connect with their deepest core passions. It has become increasingly common for people to feel  like they can’t really identify their passions or that they don’t know how to incorporate their passions into their daily life. It is also possible that you might already be living a life of passion without …


Don’t Worry – Be Happy

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Are you still waiting for your circumstances to change before you’ll allow yourself to be happy?  Most of us have preconceived ideas of what would make us happy, and we refuse to be satisfied until those things happen. The problem with this pattern of thinking is that, even if those specific things happen in our lives, we’re rarely satisfied with them!  Instead, we shift our focus to something even bigger and better, believing “it” will make us happy (or happier).  We never allow ourselves to reach a point of contentment.  Have you done the same thing to yourself? Be happy NOW! The good news is that you can decide to be happy …


What Is Holding You Back?

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Most people have areas in their lives where they would like to make some improvements.  Is that true of you?  Would you like to be in better shape physically, emotionally, mentally or financially? That’s a lot of territory, I know.  Perhaps you would like to make some positive changes in all those areas.  Well, you …


The Power of Momentum

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“The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum.”  -Tony Robbins Have you ever hesitated to take action and ended up stuck in a rut not knowing what to do? There are some common reasons why this happens.  Sometimes we are waiting for some kind of sign to indicate that it’s okay to move forward. We might be waiting until we feel more confident because we don’t really feel …


What It Takes to Accomplish Your Dreams

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Everyone has dreams they would like to see come true. How long would it take you to list three of your favorites? In fact, why not do that before we continue. Just write down three really important things that you would like to see become a reality in your life. Go ahead, I’ll wait! All set? OK, let’s see if we can’t get you a little closer to making those dreams happen. The first thing that needs to happen is, we need to change your perception about the things on your list. It’s good to …