
How Meditation Got Easier for Me

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I asked my student, Brandy, to talk about how meditation has gotten easier for her because I know that many of you struggle to sit down and be with all the mental racket. I always like to remind people that meditation isn't about achieving a state of awareness, but in letting go of


Spirituality Webinar: Embracing Your Shadow

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One of my students requested a webinar about embracing the shadow, so in honor of that request, here's my announcement for my next spirituality webinar about just that topic.It should be mentioned that the shadow (at least as I'm defining it) is simply that which is ignored, avoided, or repressed. Much of the time, people have left some of their greatest gifts and true light-full Self in the dark, and often times, it is their light and love that is most difficult aspects of themselves to reclaim. As a result, it's not all dark trauma and hateful thoughts hiding out back there (although there is often some of that as well). But we all…


One-on-One Weekend Intensives

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I offer one-on-one weekend intensives to help people go more deeply into themselves and to break through old patterns. It's a deeply supportive energetic environment, and it's a way for you to learn how to move into a different energetic vibration. This can be critical for some of you to break out of old ways of…


Spiritual Poetry: Journeying Home to My Heart

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Today I have two treats for you. One is the latest poem from my student, Rach, and the second is this beautiful hand drawing by my student, Vale. I have several more beautiful drawings from her which will accompany upcoming blog posts, so stay tuned for that.Since Rach has been our poet in residence for awhile, I wanted to point out some of her earlier spiritual poems for those of you who are new to the blog and haven't seen them yet.HomeI AmTrustYou can always enjoy work from my students on the


Preparing for Your Life’s Work

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I've discussed finding our lives' respective purposes and what-not in many other posts, but for the interests of this blog post, I wanted to share a little bit in regards to how we naturally prepare for the work that we are here to do. On one level, we are all very ingenious and creative people who naturally can use past experiences and talents to create something in this moment. It will always be a unique creation as we are ourselves are always a unique creation in any giving moment as we are also constantly changing. So the work that we do in one …


The Butterfly Project

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A couple of years ago, an anonymous person on Omegle sent me a photo and asked me to share it. It was a low quality photo of The Butterfly Project, explaining what the project is about and its rules. I instantly fell in love with the idea, and I started googling and reading more about it. I found its facebook page, which had a poor profile picture and no cover. So I made the photos above and below and sent them to the page’s admin in a private message. The facebook page isn’t active much anymore, but the presence of The Butterfly Project…


Spirituality Webinar: The Real Spiritual Awakening Signs

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You've probably seen the lists out there. Everything from insomnia to changing social circles to hemorrhoids (probably) seem to now be a sign of a spiritual awakening. It is all rather absurd, and generally, it just fuels this new level of ego that thinks it is spiritual by giving it new ideas and reference points to justify itself. "Ah, yes. I haven't been sleeping and have been eating lots of kale too. I must be awakening!"But awakening…


Developing Conscious Relationships

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I know that I haven't talked too much about relationships on this blog. Part of it has to do with the fact that most of us know so little about ourselves that that area must be the focus of our attention before we worry about what type of external relationships we want in our lives. The internal relationship with ourselves–how we live and treat ourselves–must be repaired first if we want to be able to genuinely and sincerely bring consciousness and love into our …


Spiritual Poetry: The Divine Dance

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My dancing diva spiritual poet, Rach, shares some of her joy and love of movement. As an individual who loves dance as well, I really enjoy her words here. I think so many people have never really danced before in their lives, and in a way, they do not know the depth of divine intelligence in their body. Dance is more than learning someone else's steps; it's about finding your own steps. In this way, we are also learning to dance in our broader lives because no one can ever really tell us how our lives should unfold. We simply have to find our own ways, one divine step at a time.The Divine DanceRead more


Misinformed and Over-Informed Spiritual Seekers

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One of the most relieving aspects of the spiritual path for many people is that you don't have to know anything to walk it. You don't have to be smart, remember spiritual principles, or practice for years on end. You simply allow yourself to be. This, of course, is not a passive place of being because life is dynamic. The river allows itself to be, but it is constantly flowing and shifting, which it allows without question.As many of you have gone on your spiritual journeys, some of you may have gone astray with misinformation…


Free Spirituality Webinar: What Is the Ego?

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The ego has become the latest villain in the spiritual world. In some ways, I think it's becoming more and more synonymous with the devil and the dark side or something. But the ego is just a tool. When we don't know how to use a tool, we can get into all sorts of trouble. A hammer can help you build a house, or you can hit yourself and others in the head with it. It…


Spirituality Poem: I See You

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In today's poem from my student, Rach, we get to go on a lovely journey. It is the essence of the spiritual journey we are all on. It is a journey of knowing, then forgetting, and then remembering. I hope you enjoy her phrases and her wit.Love to you all!– JimI See YouRead more »


Seeing Life Without Projections

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Quite some time ago, I wrote about the importance of understanding projections in a blog post called: Understanding Your Projections and How They Block Your Spiritual Growth. In short, projections are our ideas about other people and how the world should act or interact with us. The term creates the idea that something is being projected out from us onto others. However, we also have our own projections about ourselves and how we…


All the Dark Corners of Your Soul

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There are levels and depths to the spiritual path as much as there are not levels and depths. This is part of the many paradoxes of the spiritual path. In the sense that an ego is trying to achieve a level of perfection or self-awareness, that is illusory. The strive for attainment and goals ultimately brings you back to the truth that there is nothing to perfect or enhance. We are divine perfection. However, as you go inside with humility, vulnerability, and compassionate aspiration, you will touch oneness. …


Spiritual Poetry: The Pristine Unseen

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I get to share more spiritual poetry from my student, Rach, which I'm always excited about. I occasionally share different voices on this blog to help you get a sense of the many ways that wisdom can be expressed. It's not that you can't go to other blogs and video sites (which I'm sure many of you do, and I encourage this). But rather, I know some of you build up spiritual


Healing Session Description

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I often write about healing, and for me spiritual healing and spiritual teaching are almost synonymous. From the space of oneness comes the greatest teaching and the greatest healing possible. Union–that space of oneness–dissolves all separateness and disease. Hence, stepping into the healing space with me is a dissolving of separateness within you. To some degree, it is the dissolving of separateness between us as well, since we are one. …


What You Don’t Know About Yourself

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One of the big parts of the spiritual path is that we find out how much we didn't know about ourselves. The arrogant ego and the victim ego that didn't think we had problems or that we could somehow overlook and avoid them must be dealt with. Until we have the humility to go inwards and to occasionally solicit external help, we are living in places of ignorance.Ignorance on the spiritual path is much more …


Student Spiritual Poetry: I Seeing Me

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I have the lovely honor of getting to share another poem from one of my students. I hope you enjoy the lilt and twirl of her words of truth on this humble like blog page. The picture to the left is also a gift from her.Enjoy!I Seeing MeRead more »


Spirituality Webinar: Opening Your Heart

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One of the great sicknesses of our time is the disease of the closed heart. The closed heart cannot give. The closed heart cannot receive. From the space of self-love deprivation, we can be convinced to do terrible things to ourselves (anorexia for example) or to others (murder, rape, and war). These may seem like extreme examples, but I simply want to show you why opening your heart is such a vital and urgent practice. In opening our hearts, we …


Be Nobody

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The spiritual path is actually delightfully simple. Just be nobody. There's no one to be. Who is it that wants to be somebody? What does it mean to be somebody? Who defines all of that?Past the obvious truth that you are you and you are a human being, there's not a lot more that needs definition for daily living. You probably have noticed a theme on this blog about letting go. What are you letting go of? You're letting go of everything that defines you as somebody. You're letting go of acting as a victim, perpetrator, lover, hater, fool, wisdom-sharer, and everything else. In that letting go, there is a delightful …


Awake: A Student’s Story

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Today I have the pleasure of sharing my student, Brandy's, awakening experience. I love it because it does a wonderful job of conveying the simplicity of awakening, and I love being able to share it with all of you to remind that awakening doesn't need 30 years of meditation, a specific chant, a perfect guru, or any of that. You don't even have to


Uncovering Core Issues

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I've talked about this topic in a variety of ways, but until now, I'm not sure that I've really emphasized how jarring it is to run into a core issue on the spiritual path. In this sense, many of you will have been working on aspects of a core issue and will have probably dealt with a lot of symptoms and unhealthy habits around it. For instance, lack of self-worth is a pandemic …