
Webinar: The Letting Go Process

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We definitely can make this whole letting go thing a bigger problem than it has to be. As such, it's easy to over-complicate the process of letting go, which is actually a natural one. Every day, we have thousands of little experiences that we process effortlessly. It's effortless because we don't choose to make these experiences…


Identify, Accept, Embrace, and Let Go

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What I'm about to offer in this blog post isn't revolutionary. It's been done before. Really, all spiritual tools and techniques have been done before. Any time I hear someone trumping a tool as the latest and greatest thing, I am more than a little skeptical. That's not even the right word. It's not skepticism. I simply know that all these tools are leading us back to the simplicity of letting go, and they're all really the same thing.As such, I am happy to announce this is NOT the latest and greatest thing. You most likely have and/or will find other people saying the exact same things with different …


Spiritual Awakening Body Changes and Rebirth

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I haven't written about the body and physical aspects of spiritual awakening in some time, so I felt like circling back to this topic. I expect to talk about it much more next year, which will be dedicated to the awakened body. This is the year of the awakened heart; there's …


Webinar: It’s All About Energy Again

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One of my first webinars last year was called, "All About Energy." It was really popular, so I thought I'd bring the topic back around for an encore. I know a lot of you are sensitive to energy–you feel things, thoughts, and random impulses that perhaps you don't feel like you understand. Some of it may feel quite disturbing or upsets. Some others of you are going through big inner shifts that are bringing forth your sensitivities as …


Unconfirmed Intuitions

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Let me be clear from the start that we're having the graduate-level discussion of intuition in this blog post. It's an important discussion for those of you who are deeply intuitive but have probably found yourself in completely foreign and uncertain waters. None of your friends can understand these discussions. Even your intuitive friends and maybe even your favorite psychic don't quite


Limiting Beliefs and Core Beliefs

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Beliefs and belief systems offer us a broad way to interpret a lot of life experiences, feelings, and sensations and to generally make sense of things. They aren't inherently troublesome things. But by and large, beliefs aren't being used to help us to open and flourish. We use our beliefs to protect and defend ourselves, which typically has the outcome of…


Having a Problem With Having No Problems

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The unconscious ego is an amazing thing. It will continue to reveal itself over and over again. Right when life is going well, it may suddenly run in shouting, "Stop the presses!" Everyone in the metaphorical room will pause and turn around, asking, "What? What's the problem?" And that unconscious part of us may say with great concern and distress, "We have no problems!&quot…


Webinar: Breaking Triggers Part 2

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I know I recently had a spiritual webinar about breaking emotional, mental, and physical triggers, but people had lots of questions. I don't feel like we had enough time to get them all answered in the spirituality webinar we had a couple weeks ago. So I'm doing this topic again with a little more


On Suicidal Thoughts

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Once you have your first suicidal thought, you’ve did it, you’ve won at life. Nothing scares you anymore. Death is just another friend, maybe the only one. You start going through life fearlessly, and thus confidently. You’re no longer afraid to take chances, because what’s the worst case? You die? You’ve already been there. It’s not that scary. The death of others no longer saddens you. Some may say this is a downside, but I think it’s an advantage.Also, suicidal thoughts usually occur when you hit the bottom, or when you think you did. You think that it can’t get worse than this, and if you survived, everything that


Top 10 Spiritual Cities

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It's time for some fun, so I felt like doing something completely different than usual. This list comes from my Google Analytics, which tells me from where people come. As such, these are the top 10 spiritual cities for this little spiritual awakening blog over the past 4 years. Some of it might surprise some of my regular readers, and here's a quick little teaser: the top city isn't in the U.S.Now, …


The Inability to Ask for What You Want

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A common core issue that people struggle with is the inability to ask for what they want. If you can't ask for what you want, generally speaking, you won't get it. Now, of course, I spend a lot of time helping people understand why they want what they want, but for this post, I'll assume you've done your work. You've drilled down past the outer defenses and socially trained responses to get the core of things. Maybe you've even touched the Truth (a spiritual opening or glimpse of awakening) or that Truth is now abiding within you (spiritual awakening).Regardless, this is a post for the more advanced practitioner. This …


Webinar: Making Conscious Decisions

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This webinar was requested by one of my students. She has learned as many of us have learned that for most of our lives we have not made conscious decisions. We might not even have made one.To the unconscious ego (which of course thinks it's making all kinds of great decisions and that this webinar doesn't apply to you), this is a very humbling realization. It&#…


Feeling Like You’re Not Enough

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One of the core programs of the unconscious ego goes something like this: "I am never good enough." It's a simple little idea that infects and destroys countless lives. It can take an easy, wonderful life and destroy it because a person is simply never satisfied. I can think of one relative …


How to Face Your Inner Darkness

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It's been awhile since I brought our attention to the darkness and the shadows–at least not overtly. Ultimately, we're always opening our eyes and our hearts to the whole of life–light, dark, and shadow. So at no time is this spiritual awakening blog ever ignoring that. However, sometimes, I am not highlighting darkness quite so directly, and I felt like…


Overreacting to Your Spiritual Awakening Transformation

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One of the all too common realities that happens during the process of realizing their spiritual awakening is that people overreact. Overreacting to the pain and discomfort arising within us creates further pain and discomfort. It can and has gotten more than a few people into a lot of trouble. Whether they're making drastic and excessive…


Webinar: Understanding, Processing, and Breaking Triggers

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Many of you have had the experience of knowing you should do or say something differently and then watching yourself act out an old unhealthy pattern. It's like something hits a button, and you go on autopilot, which often leads to a crash and burn. This is what I mean when I say, "You've been triggered."These triggers are a ball of mental, emotional, physical, and instinctual patterning that seem to happen "naturally." Naturally is in quotes because it is not a natural state of flow where your awareness is open …


Avoiding Parts of Your Spiritual Work

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Many of you will become very adept at certain tools and addressing certain issues within you. This is a wonderful thing. Having accepted that certain issues needed to be addressed, you found the spiritual tools to help you open, accept, embrace, and release these issues. Each time you've let go, you've found more of yourself in return, and there may even be a sense of accomplishment that is trying to grow up here–but don't pay too much attention to that.However, we are dynamic individuals with multiple aspects. As such, we heal and expand in many ways and on multiple levels on the spiritual path. Where one tool was the elixir of life and the salve for our wounds on one level, it…


Deepening Shared Love Connections

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Everyone wants to feel love and to be loved. I think it's one of those fundamental drives that people have. Too bad that we all got taught that we had to get love from someone else as if it is some kind of commodity to be earned and bought. We already have the love we want. This is the truth, and of course, I have spent some time pointing out that love isn't just good feelings (You can read more on that …


Creating a Spiritual Movement

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There are going to be two phases to this blog post. One will be for those of you focused on your own self work. This is perfect and beautiful, and it is actually the basis for a larger spiritual movement involving other people. The second part is for those spiritual leaders who want to create something larger than yourself to help the world align in a kinder and more harmonious manner.To begin with the first part, it is all about going within and getting to know yourself. A lot of hidden motives get wrapped up in any kind of spiritual movement out there, and one of those motives is that by making the world seem safer and …


Free Webinar: Holding Space for Yourself and Others

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Holding space for yourself and others can sound very esoteric, but it's really not. It is simply a phrase for being fully present for someone and not lost in your own judgments, evaluations, and other mental games. It's a powerful tool not just to share with others, but to share with yourself. As you …


The Joy of Not Needing Anyone or Anything

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I know this title sounds a little bit like the start of one of those American country songs where the guy or gal is proclaiming their freedom from a bad relationship. This isn't about that. I mean it could be, I suppose, but mainly the joy people feel in those situations is because they no longer have to have their own issues mirrored back to them. They are in a period of relief as opposed to release, which is when an…


Spiritual Thoughts: The Circle

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My student, Jackie, shares some of her latest thoughts about the nature of life and the intertwining of spirituality with all that is. I hope you enjoy it.You can find more of her thoughts and some thoughts from some of my other students on this link:Thoughts from StudentsAlso,


Confused Perceptions and Wrong Intuitions

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I talk about intuition or your inner knowing a lot on this blog, and it's because it's the clearest and truest direction you have from your divine connection. Even when something I or another spiritual teacher says rings truth, what is it that is doing the ringing? That ringing is within you. The resonance is within you.So much of what gets said by people has no resonance for us. It just passes by like the wind. A much smaller portion of the stuff people say can trigger and upset us, but this is because we've staked out a claim to something that isn't real. When we build…


Webinar: Releasing Judgment

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My students have been talking about issues with self-judgment a lot lately, so I felt like creating this webinar around the topic of judgment in general. It's very easy for people to get lost in a sea of judgments about themselves and other people. But what is really going on here? What is the unconscious…