
‘Overcome Fear Of Women’ Hypnosis Download by Uncommon Knowledge

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‘Overcome Fear of Women’ is a hypnosis audio download that helps you overcome the fear of women. Very many men (and some women) suffer from this fear. The source of the fear of women according to most experts is past personal experiences with women. If you are looking for a hypnosis product that works perfectly, then this is for you. ‘Overcome Fear of Women’ by Uncommon Knowledge is the best audio hypnosis product I have …


Stressed? Do This Meditation Exercise Today!

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Are you finding yourself searching for peace of mind in the middle of the day? Try meditation! Using  just a few minutes of our day in meditation can result in a calm and peaceful mind. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. In the early days, it was almost always associated with religious practices. In recent times, meditation is accepted now as a mental technique, designed to achieve a state of tranquility and even bliss. The great thing about meditation is that it’s not only inexpensive, but anyone can practice it! You don’t need high class equipment or a certification to meditate. What are the benefits of meditation? Emotional Benefits Several studies conducted on meditation showed that people who…


Be the Best! 4 Tips for Personal Growth

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The year is almost over. In just a few weeks, we will say goodbye to 2012, and welcome another year. Let me ask you a question. How much did you grow this year? You may have felt that 2012 is not your year. Sure, you still have your job, a family, friends, but in the back of your mind, you think that there is something you’re missing. You feel that there is something that needs to develop in you. Personal development or personal growth…


Balancing Chakras, How It Can Help You?

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Have you been feeling down lately? Do you find yourself feeling limited by the circumstances around you? Is your self-esteem low because your life feels  like it’s in chaos? Or maybe you’re the kind of person who is very successful in business, but is often a failure at relationships. Then it may be time to balance your chakras. What are chakras you may ask? If this is the first time you’ve ever heard the term, then read on and find out about the 7 chakras, and how balancing your chakras can help you overcome the problems you are facing. What are…


Is This The Education System The World Should Be Adopting?

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Recently there has been a lot written and commented on, about the Finnish education system. Global league tables usually show Finland to have the best education system in the world. My family and I have been based in Finland for over a year now and are living the difference between the UK education system and that of Finland. We came here because we could. My wife is Finnish. Only last year we discovered there was an English stream in the local school, so we decided to make the move. The kids have three years to transfer into ‘Finnish’ classes. They really love it here. I can’t help wondering, are there other valuable lessons that can be learned, for the rest of the…


I Want to Change My Life

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Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Do you wake up every day, look in the mirror, and say, “This is not the life I want?” Do you find yourself being constantly taken for granted? All these things can make you lose your self-confidence or have low self-esteem. The good news is that it’s not too late. You can change your life! Change is the one constant thing in this world. Your life can change, but whether it changes for the better or for worse depends…


Subconscious Mind Power – How to Use It

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We are living in a great time in history. There are so many new inventions that would have been deemed impossible years ago. There are so many artists, scientists, political figures that are doing so many huge feats for mankind. Their creativity is taking humanity forwards, beyond the perceived limitations of  our former mindsets. Do you ever wonder how they can do this? Do they have something in their  DNA’s that allow  them to do more than what…


Has the New Year left you Wasted or Energised?

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For Zdenek R.I.P # 1926 – December 2012 “Keep on never minding” So, the Christian festive season has drawn to a close and how do you feel ? New Year celebrations of the traditional sort can be quite heavy going and usually end up with the adults in one place and the kids in another, (usually where the playstation is located !) Here’s a tradition that we adopted this year from a close family friend of ours (whose father…