
Webinar: Spiritual Awakening and Letting Go of Your Old Life

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Between a Rock and an Awakened PlaceMany people have a great deal of fear and anxiety around letting go of their old lives. It is the way most humans are conditioned socially and instinctually–to see the unknown as a threat. Letting go of the familiar ways of living takes us straight and unequivocally into the unknown. But then again, we have already been there. It is only through our illusions and delusions do we think that we can keep everything the same and that we know how anything will go in life. And holding on brings about no small amount of stress and upset, so once again, spiritual…


The Many Levels of Ego

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You did it! You let go of something that had plagued you for years. You feel like you've come a long way, and you feel like so much ego crap that has kept you tied up in unhealthy patterns is gone. But no sooner than this release comes does a new perspective and deeper perception arise that thrusts the next level of ego crap right in your face. To the unskillful, this is demoralizing, and there is a sense that you have failed somehow. But quite the contrary, if you can see new levels of ego, this is because you have successfully let go of some old blockages that kept …


10 Fun Spiritual Things To Do

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I know that this spiritual awakening blog can be pretty serious a lot of the time, but the spiritual path isn't always fraught with constant emotional purging, hours of meditation, and a whole host of difficult and challenging things. Rather, this is usually at the forefront because it's on top of all of your abilities to enjoy life. Your joy and bliss are just bursting to get out of you, but a huge layer of self-judgment, anger, lack of self-worth, old trauma, and whatever else depending on your particular cocktail of pain and issues (and we all have them) …


Webinar: Money on the Spiritual Path

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It's time for my annual money and spirituality webinar. It's a common concern, so I like to loop back to it once a year to help people sort through their issues on this.For some reason, people have come to view money as evil or bad. But it is just a tool. On the spiritual path, some spiritual practitioners can have this strange aversion towards it or doing anything with money. This can get them into a lot…


Healing Sexual Abuse

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I am sure that you are horrified by the statistic in the picture I've shared from the World Health Organization. While the topic at hand is sexual abuse (and this statistic includes other forms of physical violence), I think we all know that that number is under-reported. In my work as a spiritual teacher and healer, I have had more than a few experiences in helping students heal from sexual violence, and I'm 90{2879bc8f2cf0c7badc0ba0b91bc88170008fa0b1cee68ceb4afb7fd46d4bfeb9} sure that none of them had reported the abuse. As such, we can probably only guess at the truth of the extent of this problem, …


Webinar: Your Body and Awakening

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Most of the long lists of awakening symptoms that you may have seen tend to comprise body ailments, but let's be honest with ourselves: not every sneeze we have is attributable to a spiritual awakening. In this webinar, I hope to debunk some of that as well as help you identify body sensations that are actually attributable to a spiritual awakening or spiritual shift. From there, we can talk about how to make adjustments to your life or spiritual practice in a way that addresses root causes instead of trying to ameliorate superficial symptoms (no matter how…


Between Disbelief and Belief

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As you melt more into your awakened consciousness, the need for beliefs goes away. This seems counterintuitive to everything people have been taught from day one, but beliefs aren't that necessary for our survival. They are tools that are occasionally useful, but then you put them down. You sit on a bench, and you watch the birds swimming around at the lake in the park. You are not believing in the birds or the lake. You are witnessing them. You don't need to believe in lower back pain to naturally make an adjustment to how you are sitting. The experience of being in the moment requires no belief. You are already here.For people who…


Assigning Your Pain to Another

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I often talk about projecting our issues as well as our desires and love onto other people and situations. It's like we break ourselves into these little pieces and fling them on to everyone else. Then we go through this elaborate game of trying to recollect all these pieces back (well, at least the good ones).With the painful ones, we try to avoid the situations and people who seem to be the bringers of pain, and putting aside…


Webinar: Melting Into Oneness

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I've talked a lot about oneness on this spirituality blog, but I thought it was time to have a webinar about the topic. I know people have a lot of questions, and there's a lot of perceptions that this space will make us always feel good and always give us everything we want. But …


Dreams and Processing Your Issues Through Your Subconscious

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For a number of years, my sleep was a kind of warzone. So many issues were getting churned through that I'd awaken exhausted in the mornings. The way I coped with this was through a very dedicated morning meditation. After meditating for a half hour, then I'd feel like I'd had a full night's sleep. This subconscious spiritual processing wasn't a whole lot of fun, and it was part of an opening series of years where old pain and issues were being brought up into the light for me. And every part of me had to…


The Spiritual Backslide

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The spiritual backslide is when we return to an old habit, lifestyle, social circle, job, or something else that no longer serves us. It can happen with food. It can happen with relationships. It can happen with jobs. It can happen with pretty much anything. The main thing is that you are done with this old thing, but a part of you is still attached to the idea of it.The spiritual backslide is a great teaching moment because you get to see what you're attached to, why, and how things really are. That last part is important, and the less aware you are, the more likely you are…


Webinar: Improving Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities

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For this webinar, I wanted to talk more about intuition especially as it relates to psychic awareness. For those of you who don't know how I talk about these things, I consider intuition to be the basis of psychic awareness. Intuition is our ability to know ourselves. From that inner clarity, it…


Emotional Eating and Eating to Regulate Emotions

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The topic of emotional eating probably won't seem particularly spiritual, but I will simply remind you that all of life is spiritual. This aspect of unhealthy coping shows us how out of alignment we are with our natural healthy bodies.If you've been reading this spiritual awakening blog for awhile, you'll have noticed that I'm using the term "natural body&quot…


Spiritual Awakening Clearing and Processing

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As far as I can think, I really haven't given too much time to what clearing is like. I've given a general sense of the over-arching process of expansion and contraction, healing and growing, and those types of paradigms. But I don't think I've really said too much about clearing and processing after a realization or release. This is actually a very interesting topic because much like the spiritual awakening (which is the beginning not an ending), a realization and release can lead to a lot of clearing and processing on internal and external levels. A realization around food arising within you can be one example. If you suddenly realize that dairy has been …


Webinar: Spiritual Breathing Tips

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While I'm not sure that there's any real need to call this "spiritual breathing," perhaps it gets across the point that we're bringing more presence to our breath. I know that many of my students have really gotten an ear-full from me about breathing. It is the simplest and most present spiritual tool…


A Spiritual Belief System Vacuum and Filling the Void

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Let's start with the most important part: you're not going to fill the void where your old spiritual belief system once was. You're going to get used to the space. You're going to find the enormity of your potential and life's vastness by sitting in this void, not trying to make useless human meaning out of infinite consciousness. Clear? I want to make sure that we're starting with what matters. This is where this spiritual blog post will end, so there's no confusion from step one even though you may not understand it now or at the end of this…


Letting Go of Beliefs

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Letting go of beliefs is a natural part of the spiritual path. As you've come to identify and accept a lot of core and limiting beliefs, letting go is what eventually must follow. Early on, this can be a big thing because people are so identified with the unconscious ego. There's a lot of fear because people feel like they wouldn't know who they are or what to do without the belief system. …


Webinar: Spiritual Awakening and Different Relationships

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For this spiritual awakening webinar, I'm not talking about different relationships such as romantic relationships, friends, co-workers, and so forth. I'm going to talk about a deeper quality of relationships in regards to how they structurally function. I know. It sounds pretty sciency serious. Don't worry. Like everything I …


Pausing the Awakening

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It may sound absurd to some of you in awakening, but you can pause it. You can hit the brakes. But I wouldn't recommend it.So why write about it? It's because in some instances, I think a few of you may need to know where to find the pause button so you can catch your breath. The wash, clean, rinse, and repeat cycles can be intense, and while they may seem completely involuntary, they are us. This energy is us. Us has been coming out of seclusion and suppression and reshaping us into our natural form. It is a beautiful process, and it is …



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I talk a lot about intuition on this spiritual awakening blog, so I thought now would be a good time to collect a few of the many blogs on that topic as well as a couple YouTube videos. Hopefully, this can be a one-stop shop for learning about your intuition and trusting it.This blog has posts for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced intuitives out there, although please don't hold onto this kind of rating. I am simply saying this to honor that some of you have never practiced with your intuition while others have been doing …


Piercing the Wound

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You know what you're in for with this spirituality blog post. We're not dancing around issues. We're not coddling egos. We're going straight for it. Until a wound is pierced and the inner damage is seen, it will continue to be a wound. No alcohol, spiritual mantra, psychological coping mechanism, or any other tool can cover it up for long. This must be done. This is the courage required of you on the spiritual path.I often describe our wounds like broken bones. You cannot truly live with broken bones in your body. Your entire life has been compromised. But this is what we try to do. We also try to blame other people and the world…