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#?NotAllMen and ?#?YesAllWomen?

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Mira Schor: no, my statement certainly includes these categories but I think it is pretty evident that it has to do with all aspects of cultural life, how is a woman educated, what is presented as important and essential to her being …

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Letters to the Editor of the New Yorker, Unpublished

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Regrettably, this reveals an underlying bias, in which Mr. Andre is repeatedly portrayed with positive attributes and Ms. Mendieta with negative ones. Mr. Tomkins omitted two notable points from Mr. Andre's recollection of the event. … Given the figures marshaled in his legal defense, not a few people declined to testify, thinking of its possible effects on their own artistic reputations. Thus, the inequities embodied in the trials themselves are skirted. Although no one was …

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Intimacy and Spectacle 2: answering a questionaire about …

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I like it when someone asks me a question on something I might not ordinarily think about or write about: I can't help but start to wrap my mind around it and I may even get so involved that I answer at length when brevity might have made more sense. A case in point: last week I ….. FYI, This post is not a promise that anyone who writes to me should expect a response, short or long, or that I will publish that response on A Year of Positive Thinking. Posted in art, General …