
Spiritual Awakening and Enhanced Energy Sensitivities

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Spiritual awakening takes you where you want to go…where your true self REALLY want to go.This is often very different than where your ego thinks you should be going. Unfortunately, some people are pointed in such unhealthy and harmful directions that they have to do a complete 180 degree turn, and this really is the end of their old lives. To someone so deeply unconscious and now awakened, this feels like a horrendous trial, but it…


Webinar: How to Embody Your Spiritual Awakening

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I want to be very clear from the beginning that I'm using the "embody" terminology because it is commonly used. The statement, however, is very much a misunderstanding. You cannot embody what you already are. The droplet of water in the ocean cannot become more water.What I …


Emptying Out Your Ego

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After awakening, it typically becomes a going-out-of-business sale for the unconscious ego. Everything must go. Sure, some people get a bliss high for awhile, but that never lasts. No human experience does.This leads us right into the going-out-of-business sale, although it's not even a sale. It's more like you take all your ideas, desires, fears, hopes, issues, expectations, and pile them in your yard while setting them…


Webinar: How to Get Clear Intuitions

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Intuition is our ability to know what is true for us. The better we are at hearing our intuitions, the more clearly we know what we want and want to do. It can extend out further into knowing how some things in life will unfold and how others are feeling, but it is far more important to focus on one's self and getting clear on how to listen to your intuition rather than figuring out anything about the future or for another.With that said, most people are really unclear with their intuitions. Some people who are strongly intuitive have their intuitions corrupted by fear and social conditioning that distort the energy they are interpreting. I want to…


How to Start Your Spiritual Journey

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Today, I am offering a spirituality blog post for all of you just starting out or starting over on your spiritual journeys. And let's not under-estimate the importance of starting over, shall we? Because many people will have been spiritual or religious people their whole lives, and then one day, you realize you don't know a thing, not one important thing. Suddenly, all the spiritual practices and ideas and robes and spiritual names come crashing down, and you feel like you're naked in a field with nothing to hold onto. This spirituality post is also for you.When most people start their spiritual journeys, they are oriented externally. What I mean is that they have learned from society that their "answers" …


Why Spiritual Awakening Can Be so Uncomfortable

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I've talked about a lot of the discomforts and pains that can come up on this blog many times before. As I've often said, you can feel discomfort in any part of your body or energy field. All of you is embraced by a spiritual awakening. Where you are in resistance to that embrace and to your own divine energy is where you will experience pain.One point that I haven't…


Has God Turned His Back on You?

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One of the powerful and powerfully uncomfortable feelings that some people have during an awakening is the feeling that God has turned his back on them (Please understand that "his" is a conceit to English language–I don't believe in any gender for God). It typically comes after the bliss stage of awakening. People tend to crash land into their issues, and …


Webinar: Spiritual Sexuality, Healing, and Growth

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Engaging with spiritual sexuality is a wonderful opportunity to affirm ourselves as sexual beings as well as to heal and grow on our spiritual journeys. Sexual energy is incredibly powerful, and it offers us additional opportunities beyond making babies and having a good time. Sexual energy can be very grounding during a spiritual awakening. It can be very healing for a variety of …


Choosing Your Spiritual Friends Wisely

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There's an old adage that says to "choose your friends wisely." I want to add a new twist to that statement. So today's blog post is about choosing your spiritual friends wisely.In Western Culture's expanding spiritual horizons, there are more ways to connect with people of all spiritual faiths and disciplines than ever before. This is the gift of technology and the Internet. With all these new opportunities, it is very easy to assume that if someone is spiritual, then they're spiritual like you. But "spiritual" and "spirituality" tend to be two words that have…


Webinar Recording: Spiritual Awakening and Body Transformations

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A spiritual awakening takes you towards what is most true, natural, and healthy for you, and that includes your body. If your body wants more weight on it, it’ll add weight as you shift and grow. If it wants less, it’ll lose weight. If it wants different kinds of food, it’ll make that request known–loudly and clearly. It can be surprisingly vocal.And we have been surprisingly deaf to the needs of our bodies. Our bodies are our one and only…


Webinar Recording: Feeling Spiritually Lost and Finding Your Way

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Many people feel spiritually lost at different times of their lives. In the context of a spiritual awakening, we often feel this way because a lot of our ego and the reference points we used to have dissolve. In this way, we stop having a clear direction about where to go.A lot of what the ego does is to tell us what to do to stay “safe.” It is often quite wrong, and as we become more conscious and focused on the present moment, it is quite normal to feel lost at first. This is part of the sacred adjustment time where you realize that “lost” is a concept. The …


The Error of Defending Your Beliefs

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The intent of this spirituality blog post is to point to the nature of most beliefs. Generally speaking, beliefs arise out of the past or concerns for the future rather than the necessity of the present moment. In so many ways, human beings are wrapping themselves up in a fur coat of beliefs to try to keep out the chill of reality. In so doing, they distort their sense of what life is and what is around them. Make no mistake, having ideas and seeing the truth of the matter makes us strong advocates and powerful people, but that power does not come from our …


Webinar: Spiritual Awakening and Body Transformations

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A spiritual awakening takes you towards what is most true, natural, and healthy for you, and that includes your body. If your body wants more weight on it, it'll add weight as you shift and grow. If it wants less, it'll lose weight. If it wants different kinds of food, it'll make that request be known–loudly and clearly. It can be surprisingly…


How to De-energize Old Pain With Relaxation

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I will start by simply saying that using relaxation to release issues is not a new idea. I'm not the only one who talks about it, and I've already talked about it in a number of different ways in past posts like these two:Dissolving Issues With AwarenessHow to Find and Release Physical Pain During a Spiritual AwakeningFurthermore, I want to be clear that having awakened spiritually is not a prerequisite to using your awareness to dissolve issues. Any one of you can do this.When we look at an issue or old pain with awareness, we are taking our energy away from it. We relax to make space for something to…


Facing the Abyss of Self-Hatred

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Self-hatred is one of the defining issues of our times. It is all over the place in Western society. It is speaks in millions of voices and is seen in thousands of different ways. It all speaks in the discordant, grating chorus that says, " You are not okay as you are." Or perhaps more truthfully, each individual is saying, "I am not okay as I…


Webinar Recording: Embracing All of Your Emotions

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Many people think that spirituality is a path that allows us to feel good all the time. This is not the human experience. It has never been the human experience, and I find it very difficult to foresee that it’ll ever be that way.Yet, many people are constantly trying to have only “positive” experiences and emotions, and this creates a tremendous shadow-side to their personality and ego. Anger, sadness, and fear get locked behind a door of false happiness and humility, and this creates tremendous inner pain as someone attempts to be happy or positive all the time.As many of you know, maturing on the spiritual path means embracing all of our emotions and experiences. It is also…


Webinar: Feeling Spiritually Lost and Finding Your Way

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Many people feel spiritually lost at different times of their lives. In the context of a spiritual awakening, we often feel this way because a lot of our ego and the reference points we used to have dissolve. In this way, we stop having a clear direction about where to go.A lot of what the ego does is to tell us what to do to stay "safe." It is often quite wrong, and as we become more conscious and focused on the present moment, it is quite normal to feel lost. This is part of the sacred adjustment time where you realize that …


The Peace of Natural Spiritual Growth

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It's my genuine belief that if people allow themselves to just be, then we would all naturally grow spiritually. It would simply be how we engage with ourselves and with life. We'd grow in the same way that our bodies grow. They naturally come into their appropriate shape, albeit some people have genetic diseases …