
Spiritual Poem: Painted in Magnificence

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Color, life, divinity. A swirl of feelings and emotions. I hope you dive into this latest poem from Jackie and let it swirl you around in colorful, divine playfulness and sacredness.As always, you can check out this and many other poems under the Community section at the bottom. This link takes you there directly:Spiritual PoetryEnjoy!Painted in MagnificenceRead more »


Spiritual Poem: Holy Communion

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I felt like sharing this beautiful poem on Christmas because I think it is a wonderful reclaiming of a core religious practice. For many people, communion has been denuded of its deeper meaning, it's greater divinity. But my student, Jackie, brings this term back to us and renews it with the depth of her loving awareness. In this poem, we have a chance to see that communion is in essence a "coming into union" with the divine, and we can have that sacred connection within ourselves at any moment.To enjoy more of her poems as well as


Humility and the Prideful Intellectual Ego

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I've spent a lot of time talking about the qualities of love, patience, and even faith, but I don't think I've spent too much time writing about humility. Humility is often a misunderstood trait. Too often it becomes false humility where the person abdicates their personal power or their knowing about life and themselves. Otherwise, humility is considered a kind of weakness by the ego, which thinks it needs to declare itself as amazing …


Selfishness Vs Selflessness

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Everyone is selfish.Even selfless people who do selfless stuff are selfish, they only do it because it makes them feel good, or because they believe it will make them feel good later.That’s not a bad thing though, it’s just a fact, we were programmed to be selfish. We probably wouldn’t have survived if we weren’t.The fact that we’re all selfish, even selfless people, makes me look differently at selfish people.They’re driven by the same forces that make selfless people act selflessly. It’s not any different from how straight people…


The Embracing Your Light Phase

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Following up from the dispelling the darkness phase spirituality blog post, we naturally must talk about embracing of the light. In fact–as I mentioned before–they're not really separate. They are whirling together at all times post spiritual awakening. They are very much intertwined with the phases of expansion and contraction that are inherent in the rebirthing process, and there's a lot of overlap in these ideas with the way I write about "The Process of Healing Pain from Your Energy Body." It's all just made-up words anyway, and there's no need to hang onto words or ideas for any longer than necessary.The more you step into your inner radiant light, the…


The Shadow and Dispelling the Darkness Phase

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I've been toying with a new way to discuss spiritual awakening and the arising of consciousness that emerges from that deep connection. Once again, I always like to remind people that I am using the term "awakening" in a very specific way. I don't use it as a verb that means to gradually become more aware. I refer to that as the path of consciousness. On the path of consciousness, we can become more aware. We can improve. We can see more. It is an important path of self growth, and one that also naturally arises from the awakened state when we no longer resist who and what we are.So while awakening includes this, the individual who awakens feels …


Breaking the Glass

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Sometimes I like to step all the way back. I like to bring this blog back to the beginning–to where most people are. They're still locked in their ideas of themselves. They're in solid glass statues or tiny capsules unable to move but completely convinced of their flexibility and freedom. Stuck in place, life continues to show them the same lessons over and over, but instead of learning from these lessons, these people assume …


Spirituality Webinar: The Art of Giving and Receiving

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This is my last spirituality webinar for the year since the next webinar after this one falls on Christmas. The next webinar will be on January 8, 2014.It seems fitting to talk about giving and receiving at this time of year as many people who celebrate Christmas are focusing on that. It, unfortunately, often is a time of great stress, and many people are caught up in feelings of obligation, looking for the "perfect" gifts for everyone, trying to get others to give them what they really want, and receiving gifts that they don't really want. Clearly, we can see that the ego is hard at work, which is why so many people hate the holidays. In the hopes of …


Spiritual Poem: The Wound of the Beloved

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This latest poem from my student, Jackie, takes us into the pain we carry. It is a sacred view into the wounding so many of us carry from very early on in life, and it is an opportunity to see how that very pain and grief can free us into our own true love.But I'll stop talking now. No need for too much analysis. Just enjoy, enjoy!Please feel free to catch up on all of her poetry as well as poems from


Sabotaging the Healing Process and Running When It Gets Tough

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There's an old saying about, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." It's not an all bad saying. While I don't prescribe to the no pain, no gain philosophy of success through suffering, there is a lot to be said for perseverance, tenacity, and general dedication and self-discipline. These are core elements prescribed by most true spiritual traditions that I know of. It's just a lot of times …


Spirituality Poem: Unending

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I've read this poem by my student, Jackie, a couple of times, and I encourage you to do so as well, preferably out loud. There's something about certain poems that begs to be spoken and not quietly read, but you are welcome to do that all the same. But if you do read this out loud, I encourage you to listen closely to the cadence of the words. See if you hear the tremors of Truth and feel the rumblings of Love inside you that may get stirred up from that place of "unending" within you.Enjoy! UnendingRead more »


Spirituality Webinar: Spiritual Sexuality and Sexual Desire

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Everybody loves sex. Well, I hope everyone does. That's why I'm sure that this topic will be more than a little popular for many of you. But the approach to sexuality on the spiritual path is generally much different than the way people think about it. It seems like on the one hand we have people who are very extreme in denying sex except for purposes of procreation, and on the other hand, we have people who just want to feel tons and tons of …


Spiritual Poetry

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I’ve been very blessed to be attracting students who have been sharing their poetry with me and all of us on this blog, so I’m creating this page to update with the latest poems. You’ll be able to find this blog post under the “Community” section here on this blog.The GlowBy JackieThe Happiness Which …


Spiritual Poetry: The Glow

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Oh goodie. Another poem to share from my student, Jackie. Such a joy to read and share such work on this humble little blog. I hope it inspires you. I hope it encourages you to go within to find that Truth and Love that is already there within you. I hope it helps you to find your inner glow and to shine in your everyday life.You can read more of her poetry and other students' works on this link: Thoughts from a Student.The GlowRead more »


The Great Master Teaches: Part 2

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Here is the conclusion to the spiritual allegory, "The Great Master Teaches." Be sure to check out Part 1 so you can understand the conclusion, and stay tuned for an upcoming interpretation of the allegory. Enjoy!As the brown-robed Believer left town, the first lesson came upon the man in the yellow robe who had taken up living in the great house that was meant for the great master. He had spurned her direction to tear it down and donate the proceeds and anything of value back to the Village. He lay slumbering…


Spirituality Poem: The Happiness Which Does Not Cease

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I have the wonderful fortune to attract wonderful spirituality poets. This latest poem comes from my student, Jackie. I hope you all enjoy her way of sharing spiritual truth.In general, you can always check out the varied voices of spiritual experience from my students under the "Thoughts from a Student" link on the right-hand side of the blog.Enjoy!The Happiness Which Does Not CeaseRead more »


The Great Master Teaches: Part 1

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This spiritual allegory continues the story that I began some time ago. To catch up on this tale, you can read both "The Coming of the Great Master Part 1" and "The Coming of the Great Master Part 2." There's an interpretation of the allegory available if you are interested as well. Enjoy!After coming to the Village as prophesied, the Great Master quietly and humbly did her work in all the dark, polluted places of the Village, and no more dark and polluted were the hearts of the Believers who had spent so much time and effort to prepare for her. For…


Spirituality Webinar: Enhancing Your Discernment

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Some time ago, I wrote a blog post called "The Difference Between Discernment and Judgment." Because this is such an important topic, I wanted to dedicate a webinar to these concepts help you better understand what discernment truly is and to help you improve your abilities to be discerning.The simplest way to describe discernment is that it's the closest we come to seeing life as it is within our human limitations. Judgment is how we use our preferences to cloud what we see, but so often people believe that their judgments are the …


The Spaces in Between

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The spaces in between moments are where we often find some of the greatest riches of life. Life is naturally spacious, and it's the space that helps to give meaning to definition. Consider if I wrote with no spaces between words, and consider also if there was no separation from the letters and each other. It would be an unintelligible…


Too Much Zen Could Kill You

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During the past couple of years, I’ve been trying to live life more consciously. I thought a lot about the purpose of life. I became vegan so I’d remove the fog in my head and think more clearly. I studied people, their behavior. Minor stuff didn’t matter anymore compared to the stuff I used to think of. I studied religions, believes, philosophies.. I visited new places. I saw how other people live. I felt like I finally understood life. I saw life from a third person view. From God’s view. I saw life naked. And it wasn’t beautiful. I became too conscious. Naked life was black and white. Dirty. Meaningless. Nothing…


Spiritual Masters

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I felt like writing about spiritual masters to help those of you who are truly dedicated to your spiritual paths to understand those beings and how they are in this world. A spiritual master truly is someone who has stepped out of the confines and attachments of this world. Their interests in the mundane concerns that are thought to be essential (romance, making money, having a great social network, etc.) are few. Their interests in the truly mundane things about what is nourishing, what is restful, what is real…


Dissolving Into Pure Consciousness

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Dissolving into pure consciousness is a fun topic to talk about because it is very different than what most people think it is. Dissolving into this space of "is-ness" is not about going some place. Rather, it's about knowing in the fullness of you that you've never left it, never been apart from it. That…