
Way Beyond The Time For Change

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What if you woke up one morning and realized you’re the dissappointment? So it’s 6:30am and time to wake up. For the longest time you can remember feeling like crap as soon as you became conscious. You would almost come to tears because you knew it was time to get up and face the day. (Same s**t, different day) was how you felt. Until of course you got your fix for the day. Once you started using you loved waking up…


How We Handle Anger

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An old Japanese tale goes, a belligerent samurai once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. But the monk replied with scorn, “you’re nothing but a lout…I can’t waste my time with the likes of you!” His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and pulling his sword from it’s scabbard, yelled, “I could kill you for your impertinence!” That, the monk calmly replied, is hell. Startled at seeing the truth in what the master pointed out about the fury that had him in it’s grip, the samurai calmed down, sheathed his sword, and bowed, thanking the monk for his insight. And that, said the monk…is heaven. Anger is a trap. When we allow ourselves to…


Mustering the Courage to Face Our Dark Side.

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Carl Jung, the famous Swiss Psychiatrist, named our dark side ‘the shadow.’ He taught that when we do not recognize our shadow side, or are unwilling to look at it, it tends to become demonic. We need to realize that our fears are apart of that shadow side. And when we do not bring those fears to light, they do tend to take us over in ways that seem crazy or demonic. Fear is expressed in a thousand ways. Fear is closely related to apprehension, uneasiness, anxiety and out and out panic. Fear is behind rigidity, intolerance and fanaticism. Fear is at the root of indecisiveness and hesitancy to take action. Fear is behind much of our disorganization, disorderliness or sloppiness, or their…