
Taking Action When Nothing Feels Right?

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This is a guest post by Linda Crill. Linda is a sought after speaker, trainer, and thought leader on mastering the new leadership skills: reinvention, resiliency and chaotic creation. She is the author of Blind Curves—One Woman’s Unusual Journey to Reinvent Herself and Answer What Now? At times in life the road we are on turns into a non-ending useless loop, and we know it’s time to take …


How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Money

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This is a guest post by Cassy Parker. Cassy reminds you that the best and simplest way to build wealth and manage money is to have a healthy relationship with money. The best and simplest way to build wealth and manage your money isn’t about some secret investing formula, starting a Fortune 500 company, or even, necessarily, earning more money. The key to wealth building over time is simply this: to have a healthy relationship with money. People who have a healthy relationship with money are people who are in charge of their money – rather than letting their money be in charge of them. And this simple psychological…


Best Foods To Eat To Improve Your Mood

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This is a guest post by Virginia Cunningham. Virginia is a freelance writer from the Los Angeles area whose writing covers everything on health, including healthy cooking, family meal planning and fitness. Whenever she needs a quick pick-me-up, she makes sure to eat foods that are healthy as well as mood-improving. Whether you’re stressed out from work, or just down in the dumps for what seems like no reason at all, everybody can use a pick-me-up from time to time. While you might want to reach for a bag of potato chips or that gallon of ice cream in the freezer, there are some foods that have been proven to actually help improve your mood…


Little Steps Create Big Dreams

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Deanna Brann, Ph.D., is a leading expert in the field of mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationships. As a sought after speaker, author, coach and seminar leader she shows women how it is possible to change even the most difficult relationship for the better, forever. She is the two-time author of Reluctantly Related: Secrets To Getting Along With Your Mother-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law and Mothers-in-Law and Daughters-in-Law Say the Darndest Things How many times have you wanted something to be different in your life, but when you …


The Spirit of the Heart

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Dr. Nuño was in the US Army for a period of ten years. He was Deputy Commander of 5th MASH Unit during the Gulf War in Desert Storm. The last 15 years of his career were as Chief of Cardiac Surgery at LAC+USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. His latest book The spirit of the heart is now available at Amazon. For more information, …


How to End Toxic Relationships

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Bridget Sandorford is a freelance writer and researcher for, where recently she’s been researching culinary schools in usa. In her spare time, she enjoys biking, painting and working on her first cookbook. We’ve all suffered from toxic relationships at one point or another. They are the friendships, the working relationships, and even the family relationships that leave us feeling worse about ourselves. They are the people who make us feel drained when we spend time with them — who make us doubt ourselves or feel less valuable than we are. Recognizing toxic relationships can be hard, and ending them can …


How Practicing Minimalism can Make You Happier

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This is a guest post by Bridget Sandorford. Bridget is a freelance writer and researcher for, where recently she’s been researching top colleges in florida. In her spare time, she enjoys biking, painting and working on her first cookbook. Take a look inside your closet. How many of those pairs of shoes do you actually wear? When was the…


Going for the Gold in Life Decisions: Ethics Lessons from the Olympic Games

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This is a guest post by Karen Dillon. Karen is the former editor of Harvard Business Review and the co-author of “How Will You Measure Your Life?” (HarperCollins, May 2012), the New York Times best-selling book she wrote with Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen and James Allworth. As people all over the world gather around their television sets in the next weeks to celebrate athletic excellence, I’m sure …


Obtaining Resilience

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This is a guest post by Beth Brykman. Beth writes authentic and interesting works about women. In addition to books, she has written for the New England Journal of Public Policy and The Sudbury Town Crier. Her most recent book is Second Wind: The Resilience of Women. All proceeds are being donated to the anti-domestic violence organization in the book and to the Penn Center for Brain Injury and Repair. Search “Second Wind Brykman” at your e-reader store. Cancer, a double mastectomy, having her uterus and ovaries removed, gangrene: How much can one woman take? Nicole, a single mom, could obviously take a lot. Not only did she overcome her illnesses, she got promoted in the process. Paula’s husband wanted an expensive boat and a…


Reading Efficiently – Tips and Tricks

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This is a guest post by Cassandra Wrage. Cassandra writes for an innovative free speed reading platform. Endymio is set for beta release in early 2013, and is currently seeking donations to fund the program. Unlike other speed reading programs, is individualized to each person’s unique needs and learning styles – all for free. It is common knowledge that reading takes time – a lot of time. Because of this, many people attempt to read at a quicker pace. When done properly, speed reading can greatly benefit an individual’s life, but when someone simply tries to absorb as much information in as little time possible, they won’t get very far because they won’t remember what they read. In …