Enlightening Documentaries: The Great Work (2 – The Mental Plane)

Initiation Two: The Mental Plane The element of Air symbolizes the plane of mind. In Qabballah, this part of the four-fold soul/body is called “Briah”, and is symbolized by the third letter in the tetragrammatorn, or Holy formula of creation: YHVH. In this formula, the Vav signifies both the realm of all mental activity, and … Related posts: Enlightening Documentaries: The Great Work (1 – The Material Plane) Enlightening Documentaries: Magical Egypt – The Invisible Science Part 1 of 8 Enlightening Documentaries: Magical Egypt – The Old Kingdom & the Still Older Kingdom Part 2 of 8 Thought-Provoking Documentaries: Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Thought-Provoking Documentaries: Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Volume 2: Riddles in Stone – Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.
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