From Deadliest Catch Fisherman to Online Success

Crab fishing in Alaskan waters is by far the most lethal form of fishing and not surprisingly, it tops the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ list of jobs with the most fatalities. In the unforgiving Bering Sea, ice can quickly coat a boat deck while 700-pound crab cages swinging from a winch can easily knock workers overboard. Even in a survival suit, hypothermia from the cold water can kill quickly. In fact, about 80{0127f963e8fee419b6a90e957d08afc3e89331d409e71ad144d2333bc8cc73f9} of fatalities among crab fishermen are caused by drowning. So, why do Alaska’s deadliest catch fishermen do it? For the money of course. According to the Alaska Employment Center, crewmen can earn from $20,000 to more than…
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