Hidden Messages In Your Children’s Writing

For Parents, Teachers & All Who Care for Children

Andrea has written a very special and important booklet for understanding your children, Hidden Messages in Your Children’s Writing. Designed for analyzing the drawings, doodles and handwriting of children ages 2 through 17, this illustrated 64-page booklet will show you how to use graphology to learn what your children are really feeling, but may not be saying.

You’ll learn ways to determine: how your child is progressing compared to other children his age; what his hidden talents and abilities are; and whether he is happy, intelligent, well-adjusted, stable, and in good health. Andrea also shows some important warning signs that indicate it’s time to get your child professional help, including tips on spotting drug and alcohol use.

If you have children or are a teacher, this 64-page booklet is an absolute must.

“Since reading Andrea’s Children’s book, my kids’ drawings and letters have taken on a whole new meaning to me. I’m able to see how they’re really feeling about so many things, and have been able to give help when when I otherwise wouldn’t have realized it was needed.” –Melanie Newbold. Day Care Supervisor, Elk Grove, CA

$ 16.95