How to Meditate: Secrets to the Easiest and Most Effective Meditation Technique

Discover the Easiest and Most Effective Way to Meditate

Having studied and taught meditation for over 40 years, Larry Terkel has settled into a meditation practice that draws from the best of both mantra plus mindfulness meditation. His students call it meditation plus. Why both mantra and mindfulness and not one or the other? Larry believes that a mantra keeps you focused while mindfulness keeps you engaged. One grounds you while the other gives you insights, creativity and perspective.
The Difference is in the Details
Through his book, Larry explains everything from the process of choosing a mantra, to how to deal with distractions while meditating. Larry shares with you the secrets he has picked up along the way, how to incorporate your tongue and your eyes, and he draws upon your experience with swings and duets. You will “actually” feel like you are meditating and therefore, when you meditate, you will know you are getting all of the extraordinary benefits meditation has to offer.

When you meditate with meditation plus you will be able to harness the harmony you need to calm the mental storms, sort through life’s inevitable distractions and renew the journey you have come here to experience and enjoy.

  • Understand meditation within the context of a typical western lifestyle
  • Learn about the power behind mantras and how to receive the one you need 
  • Learn about the three areas in your body that carry the most tension, and why 
  • Learn how meditation enhances sleep and why ten minutes of meditation can be better than one hour of sleep 
  • Learn how to negotiate with your mind and use your meditation to solve problems in your life
  • Learn how Meditation Plus (m+) combines mindfulness techniques with mantra meditation for the easiest and most effective way for you to meditate.
Table of Contents
Intro: 10 Minutes That Will Change Your Life
01: The Easiest and Most Effective
02: The Goal of Meditation
03: The Power of a Mantra
04: Multiplying the Power of a Mantra
05: Receiving Your Personal Mantra
06: How to Sit
07: Where to Sit
08: When to Sit
09: Begin Your Meditation with Relaxation
10: The Duet, the Swing and a Higher Gear
11: Dealing with Distractions
12: Returning to the World, Receiving Your Gifts
13: Tuning Back In
Summary: How to Meditate
List of Mantras
About the Author

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