Living in an Indigo House: The Heartaches and Victories of First Wave Indigos

Indigo Adults? Yes there is such a thing! First Wave Indigos have filtered into this planet for over 70 years, coming en masse (about 62 {0127f963e8fee419b6a90e957d08afc3e89331d409e71ad144d2333bc8cc73f9}) between the years of 1969 and 1987 and about 30{0127f963e8fee419b6a90e957d08afc3e89331d409e71ad144d2333bc8cc73f9} were born in the 50’s. “

In spite of all the horrendous opposition from both the seen and unseen worlds, the book, “Living in an Indigo House, The Heartaches and Victories of First Wave Indigos” came alive and is activating First Wave Indigo Knights all over the world. This book is a first step into understanding the First Wave Indigo Nation on planet Earth. FW-Indigos were trained in the Ultra-Violet Realm’s “Cosmic Special Forces Academy” and are here on assignment as a part of the Cosmic Clean-up Crew.  First-Wavers are now adults who have been on the front lines battling the seen and unseen dark forces and “Powers That Be” who have been consuming our planet. “Living in an Indigo House” will give you information and inspiration to continue the quest for balance, truth, justice, and peace.

In this book you will find intriguing subjects and answers to questions such as:

-What are First Wave Indigos?
-What is the Cosmic Clean-Up Crew?
-Where can I find Aurauralite/Aulmauracite, the magical mystical stone of truth?
-Who the Hell is Hal?
-Indigo or Indigo Brat!?
-Kryahgenetics eggs: How to use these powerful allies and make them come alive.
-What is the Indigo /Ultra-Violet Ray?
-What are Indigo Contracts?
-Insights into the Indigo mind: Tales of Laura Lee’s own Mutant Children.
-You Might be an Indigo If….
-The Indigo Mind: Thoughts from Real life X-Men (& Women).
-The Knights Code.
-How black lights can help you remember who you are/were.
-Excerpts from: “My Little Book of Blasphemies…and Other Thoughts From the Shower”; by Michael Adams.
-Why Indigos can’t run energy like other people…(it has to come from the heart, not their heads.)
-Protocol for implant removal.

This book has taken on a life of its own, (and so have the cover characters! :o) …as you will soon discover when you get your own personal copy!

$ 22.15