Practical Guide to Handwriting Analysis: Book and Kit

This all-in-one handwriting analysis kit includes a how-to-book, notepad, ruler, protractor, magnifying glass an International Graphoanalysis Society certified Emotional Responsiveness Gauge.

Handwriting analysis has been submitted as evidence in court cases, studied to understand heroes from the past and investigated by the police to track criminals.

It’s a fun and telling way to learn about people’s strengths and weaknesses. Like clothing or body language, handwriting style is a presentation of ourselves on a subconscious level.

By taking a close look at a short writing sample, from the dots on the I’s, and crosses on the T’s to the loops on the P’s and humps on the N’s, readers can decipher hidden talents and insecurities and delve into the depths of the subconscious self. It’s surprisingly accurate and lots of fun.

The book analyzes the handwriting of the most interesting and controversial people in history from Einstein and Madonna to Clinton and Starr.

$ 4.85