Remember Every Name Every Time: Corporate America’s Memory Master Reveals His Secrets

“I’m sorry, but…I can’t remember your name.”

Even the boldest corporate leaders are terrified of forgetting an important name at a crucial moment. They know that forgetting a name can cost them an important deal — and that remembering it can cement a lifelong business relationship. That’s why they have studied with Benjamin Levy, whose astounding memory feats have made him one of America’s most highly sought-after corporate entertainers. Now, for the first time, Levy steps off the stage and out of the boardroom to share his surefire techniques with you.

In “Remember Every Name Every Time,” Levy takes you step by step through his time-tested, executive-approved memory program. With his techniques, you’ll effortlessly

remember the names of people you’ve just met for the very first time, no matter how rushed the introduction, no matter how stressful the circumstances

remember one name, five names, thirty or more names at events ranging from high-powered board or client meetings to business dinners and employee gatherings

remember even the most difficult names and the most nondescript faces — for the long term.

Realistic business scenarios, bite-size summaries, and dozens of full-color photographs help you hone your skills. In case you ever “do” forget a name, Levy even offers savvy tips on how to handle the situation with grace and aplomb.

Rounded out with firsthand advice and anecdotes from some of Levy’s world-renowned CEO clients, who reveal why remembering names is a vital skill in today’s economy, “Remember Every Name Every Time” gives you the tools you need to create a great impression at any business occasion and send your career soaring higherthan you’ve ever imagined possible.Ever been introduced to someone and then almost immediately forgotten their name? This universal quandary is not the fault of faulty recall, according to “memory trainer” Benjamin Levy, but rather a mind that is not properly schooled in name-retention techniques. Levy, known for wowing groups of 150 by reciting all of their names shortly after meeting them, describes two different procedures in Remember Every Name Every Time for honing skills that can be used in any personal or professional setting. With abundant photos to illustrate integral physical behaviors, as well as anecdotes and quotes drawn from Levy’s impressive roster of corporate clients–like Charles Bronfman of Seagram and Laurence Tisch of Loews–he fully explains how to implement his basic technique (the verbally oriented FACE approach, which teaches you to imprint correct names in the first place and then link them to specific faces) and his advanced method (the visual NAME system, which incorporates images and even sounds with your own imagination for longer term and larger group settings). While both certainly require a good bit of practice in order to effectively pull off, the techniques in this book are as clearly stated as its title and should noticeably help anyone who seriously applies them. –Howard Rothman

$ 29.50