The Answer is in Your Handwriting!: Your Fears – How Well Do You Handle Them?

In this, Volume I of her Handwriting series, Blatt delves into the fears that plague us all and the only three methods of handling them: fight, flee, or adapt. By perceiving clues reflected unconsciously in the handwriting of various letter-writers, she is able to help them pinpoint the sources of their fears and offer advice on how best to conquer them. For some she recommends graphotherapy: the process of turning negative traits into positive ones through the conscious altering of one’s handwriting. The reader, by using the “Dear Dena’s” as a “How-To,” learns graphology quickly and easily. To lighten the study, personal anecdotes pertaining to the subject matter are interspersed throughout the book, as well as relevant quotes by famous writers, artists, scientists, and celebrities.

$ 9.75