The Answer is in Your Handwriting!: Your Relationships – Are They Right for You?

In this, Volume II of Dena Blatt’s Handwriting series, the author analyzes over a hundred handwriting samples from men and women asking the age-old question: “Is my partner right for me, and if not, what should I do about it?” A certified graphoanalyst (handwriting expert) since 1974 and “Dear Dena” advice columnist in True Blue Spirit, Blatt examines the samples to infer traits and tendencies suggestive of romantic, sexual, or platonic compatibility. For those interested in learning graphology, the volume includes several instructional chapters, as well as material on graphotherapy (the process of turning negative traits into positive ones through the conscious altering of one’s handwriting). The volume also includes a variety of lighthearted anecdotes and quotes by famous writers, artists, scientists, and celebrities.

$ 9.76