Transforming the Soul: Beyond Soul Retrieval and Integration

Soul Retrieval is becoming increasingly well known, yet vital aspects of its integration process are misunderstood and left unaddressed. To address these areas, this book reveals new insights into the true nature of the soul, soul loss, soul retrieval and the unique needs of the soul during its integration and transformation process. My spirit helpers gave me the insights and methods revealed here. They have proved to be applicable and valuable to many people even though originally intended to help only my own personal healing. Methods and insights are truly universal in application. The concept of soul retrieval is so new that aspects of it can be confused with other forms of therapy. There is much about the integration process that imitates forms of psychotherapy. Imitation does not mean that the returning soul parts will respond favorably to those timeworn forms of treatment. In fact, the truth is exactly the opposite. For instance: Soul retrievals begin with a breakthrough, not end with it, as may be the case with other forms of therapy. It may seem that all you need is to retrieve a soul part and then merely resume working on your issues, using standard methods. In doing that, however, you disrespect the soul part and squelch its unique gifts that are intended to help you. It is imperative to view and approach each spiritual quality and each feeling as a person (soul part), not as a thing (spiritual quality). With soul transformation, slow progress is not the safe path. If you choose to progress slowly, you neglect the soul part and end up compounding your issues and lowering your self-esteem. Responding quickly to its needs assures easy, gentle, yet dynamic improvement. Unique Qualities Of This Book Include: New insights about the soul, soul loss, soul retrieval and transformation. These insights add to what other books have only started to reveal. They delineate the true uniqueness of soul retrieval and its transformation, and how to distinguish it from other forms of therapy. Because some people need different ways of working, I clearly delineate in this book what is principle and what is method. In that way it is easier for you to adapt the principles given, to fit intricately with your own methods. Soul transformation methods and rapid spiritual healing methods previously unknown. Methods for healing the grief involved in releasing long-standing habits and belief patterns. Insights into the nature of resistance and how to side-step it into true, gentle healing. Methods for merging and inter-linking spiritual qualities so that you have instant innate access to all qualities within you, without resistance or blocking. Case studies of clients, illustrating Spirit s methods in action. Throughout this book I use scenarios to illustrate points being made. These scenarios come from actual case studies of my clients; however, I do not use their real names. Where pertinent, there are also included segments of my own history of soul retrieval and transformation. All methods can be self-done by shamanic journeyers and those adept at self-trance, or facilitated by therapists schooled in spiritual hypnotherapy or shamanic methods. Methods are applicable to both beginners and the advanced on the spiritual path. All that is needed is the willingness to do the work.

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